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AUTHOR: Raji Heyrovska, Ph. D.  (*: Papers with co-author/s)

(Author's maiden name: N. Rajalakshmi, married name: Rajalakshmi Heyrovska, Raji for short)

Topics: Physical chemistry, Chemical physics, Biophysics, Physics, Electrochemistry, Solution chemistry, Nano materials, Atomic & molecular structures, Scientific biography & history and Women in Science.

Full papers; Letters; Conference extended abstracts;  Conference short abstracts;  Posters; Book; Chapter in a book; Notes in a book; Biographies; Theses; www abstract of talk. (Most of the contributions are in English and a few are in Czech.)

Publications, Part I: [1-7], Parts II – IV: [8-208] & Part V: Women in Science (15). (updated: 18 May 2018)

1 - 6: (N. Rajalakshmi) while at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.

2: (N. Rajalakshmi) M. Sc. Thesis: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
M.Sc. (by research): Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science (I.I.Sc.), Bangalore, India.
Research Supervisors: Prof. R. D. Vold of University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA and Prof. M. R. A. Rao of I.I.Sc., Bangalore, India.

7: (N. Rajalakshmi / R. Heyrovska) Ph. D. Thesis: University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England.
Ph. D. (by research): Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Cambridge, England.
Research Supervisor: Dr. J. N. Agar, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, Great Britain. (Digital version deposited in University of Cambridge,
January 2018): ;

8 - 54: R. Heyrovska, Private Research Scientist, post-doctoral research (1968 - 1989), Czechoslovakia, (Part II).

Ref. 50: Research work as an Invited Visiting Research Scientist in 1988, Dept. of Chem. and Biomolecular Engg., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA.

55 - 208: R. Heyrovska, Research Scientist, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic [55-159] (1990 – 2012): (Part III) and Emeritus, Private Research Scientist [160 -208] (2013 –2018): (Part IV).

1 - 15: R. Heyrovska, Country Leader, WIP (IUPAP), Women in Science (2002 - ) (Part V).

Some full texts of publications can be found e.g., in
:,,, and

Part I. 1959 -1970: [1-7] (pre-doctoral and doctoral work)

1. *The viscosities of sodium humate solutions from coal.

Authors: N. Rajalakshmi (now R. Heyrovska), *co-authors: S.R. Sivarajan and R.D. Vold.
Journal of Colloid Science, 14 (1959) 419-429. (Full paper in English).

2. Physico-chemical studies of humic acid from an Indian coal. (M. Sc. Thesis, degree awarded: August 1961)

Author: N. Rajalakshmi (now R. Heyrovska)
M.Sc. (by research), thesis submitted in 1960, Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science (I.I.Sc.), Bangalore, India; Research Supervisors: Prof. R. D. Vold of University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA and Prof. M. R. A. Rao of I.I.Sc., Bangalore, India. (Thesis appraised as of Ph.D. standard, by the award committee.)

3. *Thermodynamics of the freezing point depression of natural rubber solutions.

Authors: N. Rajalakshmi (now R. Heyrovska) and *co-author: M.R.A. Rao.
Proceedings of the IVth Rubber Technology Conference, London (1962), pp 1-10 (Paper graded excellent by the conference committee) (Full paper in English)

4. *Studies on the physico-chemical and organo-analytical properties of humic acid prepared from a sample of Indian coal:
a) Polyelectrolyte nature of humic acids prepared from Indian coal; b) Nature of acidic groups in humic acids prepared from Indian coal

Authors: N. Rajalakshmi (now R. Heyrovska) and *co-author: M.R.A. Rao.
Proceedings of the Indian Science Congress, New Delhi (1963). (Full papers in English)

5. Fluorescence

Author: N. Rajalakshmi (now R. Heyrovska)
Chapter 10 in `Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy', Ed. by Dr. C.N.R. Rao, Butterworths (1962) pp 98-110. (Invited Chapter in English)

6. a) Lecture Course in Higher Mathematics by Prof. P.L. Bhatnager, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (1962). (Book, Vol. II, in English)

Compiled by Author: N. Rajalakshmi (now R. Heyrovska) and b) a course of 12 lectures on Statistical Mechanics by the author (N.R.) to post graduate students.

7. Thermogravitational separation in solutions of electrolytes. (Ph. D. Thesis, degree awarded: May 1970)

Author: N. Rajalakshmi (now R. Heyrovska)
Ph. D. (by research), thesis submitted in 1969, Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Cambridge, England.
Research Supervisor: Dr. J. N. Agar, University of Cambridge, England, Great Britain.

Part II. 1968-1989: [8 -54]
(Post doctoral, as Private Research Scientist in Czechoslovakia)

8. Za C. V. Ramanem (1888 - 1970)

Author: R. Heyrovska
Vesmir, 50 (1971) 58 (Biography in Czech).
A group photo of Sir C. V. Raman with 7 other Nobel Laureates in: Chemical Heritage, 20 (Number 4), (2002) 22 - 23 and in: 21 (Number 3) (2003) 4.
(Also, a talk by R. H. on the Czechoslovak TV about Sir. C. V. Raman.)

9. *Adsorption in polarographic reversible electrode reactions.

Authors: R. Heyrovska, *co-authors: M. Heyrovsky, S. Vavricka
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, 46 (1973) 391-398; (Full paper in English)

10. *Surface and volume redox processes: difference between potentiometry and polarography.

Author: R. Heyrovska, *co-author: M Heyrovsky
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochem.52 (1974) 141-143; (Full paper in English)

11. *Electron transfer through charge-transfer interaction with the electrode.

Author: R. Heyrovska, *co-author: M. Heyrovsky
25th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Brighton (1974), abstract no. ; (Extended abstract in English)

12. Thermodynamics of the Soret equilibrium.

Author: R. Heyrovska
27th Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Zurich (1976), abstract no. 308. (Extended abstract in English)

13. The dynamic interface.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Interface, a) XX-1/2 (1977) 4 pages and b) Reply to the comments by B.P. Gatta, XX-1/2 (1978) 3 pages. (Full papers in English)

14. Kinetics of simple electrode processes, a new approach.

Author: R. Heyrovska
155th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, USA, Boston, Vol. 79-1 (1979), abstract no. 38. (Extended abstract in English)

15. Yesin-Markov shifts, half-wave potential shifts of complexes and the Langmuir isotherm.

Author: R. Heyrovska
155th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Boston, Vol. 79-1 (1979) abstract no. 354. (Extended abstract in English)

16. Dependence of van't Hoff factor, partition function, Yesin-Markov and transfer coefficients on the partial molar volume.

Author: R. Heyrovska
157th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, St. Louis, Vol. 80-1 (1980) abstract no. 526. (Extended abstract in English)

17. Influence of partial molar volume and time of contact on redox processes involving adsorption.

Author: R. Heyrovska
157th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, St. Louis, Vol. 80-1 (1980) abstract no. 527. (Extended abstract in English)

18. The role of actual partial molecular volume, v, in chemistry,parts A-E.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Proc. II of the J. Heyrovsky Memorial Congress on Polarography, Praha (1980) 61-4. (Extended abstracts in English) (5 posters)

19. *Electrical aspects of reversible adsorption on metallic electrodes and its effect on redox processes.

Author: R. Heyrovska, *co-author: M. Heyrovsky
Proc. II of the J. Heyrovsky Memorial Congress on Polarography, Praha (1980) 64; (Extended abstract in English) (poster)

20. *Further studies of polarographic adsorption waves.

Author: R. Heyrovska, *co-authors: M. Heyrovsky, J.K. Jailwal, O. Manousek and S. Vavricka
Proc. II of the J. Heyrovsky Memorial Congress on Polarography, Praha (1980) 65; (Extended abstract in English) (poster)

21. van't Hoff's factor for non-ideality of gases and aqueous solutions; hydration numbers from osmotic coefficients; Langmuir's formula extended for space covrage.

Author: R. Heyrovska
159th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Minneapolis, Vol. 81-1 (1981) abstract no. 487. (Extended abstract in English)

22. General equations for the chemical potential and its isobaric,isentropic and isothermal changes; variation of gas constant and its thermodynamic implications.

Author: R. Heyrovska
159th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Minneapolis, Vol. 81-1 (1981) abstract no. 481. (Extended abstract in English)

23. Chemistry and electrochemistry of a reversible redox equilibrium; implications of the Nernst equation.

Author: R. Heyrovska
161st Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Montreal, Vol. 82-1 (1982) abstract no. 700. (Extended abstract in English)

24. The Le Chatelier's principle of mobile equilibrium governs electrochemical oxidation and reduction.

Author: R. Heyrovska
161st Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Montreal, Vol. 82-1 (1982) abstract no. 699. (Extended abstract in English)

25. The dynamic equilibrium at an interface.

Author: R. Heyrovska
161st Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Montreal, Vol. 82-1 (1982) abstract no. 649. (Extended abstract in English)

26. An adsorption isotherm incorporating both substrate and adsorbate specificities and adsorbate concentration at monolayer coverage.

Author: R. Heyrovska
163rd Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, San Francisco, Vol. 83-1 (1983) abstract no. 852. (Extended abstract in English)

27. Kinetic aspects of the new adsorption isotherm and the approach to dynamic equilibrium.

Author: R. Heyrovska
163rd Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, San Francisco, Vol. 83-1 (1983) abstract no. 851. (Extended abstract in English)

28. Simple inter-relations describing the concentration dependences of osmotic pressure, degree of dissociation and equivalent conductivity of electrolyte solutions.

Author: R. Heyrovska
165th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Cincinnati, Vol. 84-1 (1984) abstract no. 425. (Extended abstract in English)

29. A simple equation connecting diffusion coefficient, coefficient of viscosity, concentration and osmotic pressure of electrolyte solutions; dynamics of Brownian motion.

Author: R. Heyrovska
165th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Cincinnati, Vol. 84-1 (1984) abstract no. 426. (Extended abstract in English)

30. A unified representation of properties of dilute and concentrated solutions without activity coefficient, further support: the linear dependence of E.M.F. on lnpos

Author: R. Heyrovska
166th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, New Orleans, Vol. 84-2 (1984) abstract no. 653. (Extended abstract in English)

31. Concise equations of state for gases and solutions: PVf = i*RoT and posVAfB = i*RoT

Author: R. Heyrovska
166th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, New Orleans, Vol. 84-2 (1984) abstract no. 652. (Extended abstract in English)

32. Thermodynamic interpretation of the E, lnp+/- linear dependence of E.M.F. of concentration cells, without activity coefficient.

Author: R. Heyrovska
168th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Las Vegas, Vol. 85-2 (1985) abstract no. 442. (Extended abstract in English)

33. Dependence of the specific and equivalent conductivities and transport numbers on the degree of dissociation of electrolytes.

Author: R. Heyrovska
168th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Las Vegas, Vol. 85-2 (1985) abstract no. 443. (Extended abstract in English)

34. Thermodynamic interpretation of the ionic association/dissociation equilibrium in solutions of electrolytes, without activity or osmotic coefficients.

Author: R. Heyrovska
168th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Las Vegas, Vol. 85-2 (1985) abstract no. 444. (Extended abstract in English)

35. Thermodynamic significance of the transfer coefficients and the Nernst equation.

Author: R. Heyrovska
169th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Boston, Vol. 86-1 (1986) abstract no. 581. (Extended abstract in English)

36. Interpretation of the Butler-Volmer equation (thermodynamics does not allow simultaneous oxidation and reduction at any potential).

Author: R. Heyrovska
169th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Boston, Vol. 86-1 (1986) abstract no. 582. (Extended abstract in English)

37. Thermodynamic aspects of reversible electron transfer at an electrode.

Author: R. Heyrovska
170th Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, San Diego, Vol. 86-2 (1986) abstract no. 744. (Extended abstract in English)

38. Dissociation and solvation of 1:1 strong elecrolytes in aqueous solutions.

Author: R. Heyrovska
1st Gordon Research Conference on Physical Electrochemistry, New London, (1986). (Poster in English)

39. A simple proof for the incomplete dissociation of 1:1 strong electrolytes in aqueous solutions: interpretation of density.

Author: R. Heyrovska
171st Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Philadelphia, Vol. 87-1 (1987) abstract no. 463. (Extended abstract in English)

40. Hydration numbers and degrees of dissociation of some strong acids, bases and salts in aqueous solutions at 25oC.

Author: R. Heyrovska
171st Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Philadelphia, Vol. 87-1 (1987) abstract no. 472. (Extended abstract in English)

41. Physical Chemistry of solutions without activity coefficients: solvation and incomplete dissociation of strong electrolytes.

Author: R. Heyrovska
8th International Symposium on Solute-Solute-Solvent Interactions, Regensburg, Germany (1987), abstract no. L.1.19 (L: lecture). (Extended abstract in English)

42. Dependence of e.m.f. of concentration cells on actual concentrations of ions, and `true pH'.

Author: R. Heyrovska
8th International Symposium on Solute-Solute-Solvent Interactions, Regensburg, Germany (1987), abstract no. P.2.23 (P: poster) (Extended abstract in English)

43. The physical chemistry of aqueous solutions of sucrose.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Faraday Symposium on `The Physical Chemistry of Small Carbohydrates', Regensburg, Germany (1987) abstract no. L.6.05, pp 28-33 (L: lecture) (Extended abstract in English)

44. Quantitative interpretation of properties of aqueous solutions on the basis of hydration and incomplete dissociation of electrolytes.

Author: R. Heyrovska
172nd Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Hawaii, Vol. 87-2 (1987) abstract no. 1454. (Extended abstract in English)

45. Quantitative interpretation of properties of aqueous solutions in terms of hydration and `true ionic concentrations'.

Author: R. Heyrovska
International Symposium on Molecular and Dynamic Approaches to Electrolyte Solutions, Tokyo (1988), abstract p. 44. (Extended abstract in English)

46. Interpretation of properties of aqueous electrolyte solutions in terms of hydration and incomplete dissociation.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 53 (1988) 686-696. (Full paper in English)

47. The transfer coefficient: a critical thermodynamic assessment.

Author: R. Heyrovska
173rd Meeting of Electrochemical Society, USA, Atlanta, Vol. 88-1 (1988) abstract no. 450 (Extended abstract in English)

48. A re-appraisal of Arrhenius' theory of partial dissociation of electrolytes.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Chapter 6 in "Electrochemistry, Past and Present", American Chemical Society Symposium Series 390, Editors: J.T. Stock and M.V. Orna, American Chemical Society Publications, Washington DC, (1989), pp 75-91 (Chapter in English).
3rd Chemical Congress of North America and 195th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Toronto, (1988). DOI: 10.1021/bk-1989-0390.ch006

49. A re-appraisal of Arrhenius' theory of partial dissociation of electrolytes.

Author: R. Heyrovska
2nd Gordon Research Conference on Physical Electrochemistry, New London, (1988) (Invited Poster in English)

50. Degrees of dissociation and hydration numbers of six tetra alkyl ammonium halides and nineteen 2:1 strong electrolytes in aqueous solutions at 25oC.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 54 (1989) 1227-1231. (Full paper in English)

51. Effective radii of alkali halide ions in aqueous solutions, crystals and in the gas phase, and the interpretation of Stokes ionic radii.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Chemical Physics Letters, 163 (1989) 207-211. (Full paper in English) DOI: 10.1016/0009-2614(89)80036-3

52. *Two ways of electron transfer between metal and solution.

Author: R. Heyrovska, *co-author: M. Heyrovsky
Procedings II, J.H. Centennial Congress on Polarography and 41st Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Prague, (1990) Fr-114; (poster) Extended abstract in English)

53. Interpretation of A) solution properties in terms of solvation and incomplete dissociation and B) Stokes ionic radii in terms of ion-solvent interactions.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Proceedings II, J.H. Centennial Congress on Polarography and 41st Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Prague, (1990) Fr-112. (Extended abstract in English) (poster)

54. A sub-atomic redox process that can release coulombic energy and cause mass defects of elements and nuclear emissions.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Proceedings II, J.H. Centennial Congr. on Polarography and 41st Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Prague, (1990) Fr-113. (Extended abstract in English) (poster)

Part III. 1990-2012: [55 – 159] (As Senior Research Scientist, Acad. Sci., Czech Rep.)

55. Ionic concentration outlives ionic strength.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Chemistry in Britain, 27 (1991) 1114. (Letter in English)

56. A "wet and measure" polarographic device/sensor suitable for both pure and applied research.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Journal of Electrochemical Society, 139 (1992) L50-52. (Letter in English) DOI: 10.1149/1.2069442

57. Polarografie v nejmensich objemech roztoku. (Polarography in the smallest volume of solutions)

Author: R. Heyrovska
Moderni Elektroanalyticke Metody, XII Conference in Harrachov, (1992), abstract p. 9. (Short abstract, in Czech)

58. *A simple `wet and measure' polarographic device/sensor for pure research and electroanalysis.

Author: R. Heyrovska, * co-author: M. Heyrovsky
4th European conference in Electroanalysis, The Netherlands, (1992) abstract p.124; (Extended abstract in English) (poster)

59. On neutron numbers and atomic masses.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Journal of Chemical Education, 69 (1992) 742-743. (Full paper in English) DOI: 10.1021/ed069p742

60. Degrees of dissociation and hydration numbers of twenty six strong electrolytes in aqueous solutions at 25oC.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 57 (1992) 2209-2214. (Full paper in English)

61. A: Incomplete dissociation of NaCl and 99 other strong electrolytes in a `sea' of water; B: "Ionic radii" and the mystery of "Stokes ionic radii".

Author: R. Heyrovska
"Futures in Marine Chemistry, XIIth International Symposium", May 1993, Brijuni, Croatia. (2 posters in English)

62. Current spike polarography. A new technique for films and surfaces.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Langmuir, 9 (1993) 1962 - 1964. (Full paper in English); DOI: 10.1021/la00032a007

63. Dalsi pokroky "Wet and Measure" polarografie (Further work on "Wet and Measure" polarography).

Author: R. Heyrovska
Moderni Elektroanalyticke Metody, XIV Conference in Pec pod Snezkou, (1994), abstract p.16 (Short abstract in Czech)

64. *Interpretation of Michelson and Morley's observations on the velocity of light without the "contraction of distance " hypothesis.

Author: R. Heyrovska, *First author: A. Heyrovsky
Physics Essays, 7 (1994) 265-269; (Full paper in English)

65. Physical electrochemistry of strong electrolyte solutions based on partial dissociation and hydration.

Author: R. Heyrovska
187th Mtg of the Electrochemical Society, USA, Reno, USA, Vol. 95-1 (1995) abstract no.662 (Extended abstract in English)

66. YES ARRHENIUS, alkali halides are incompletely dissociated at all concentrations in water.

Author: R. Heyrovska
The Autumn Meeting of The Royal Society of Chemistry, Sheffield, UK, Sept. (1995). (Poster in English)

67. Physical chemistry of the kitchen salt in aqueous solutions.

Author: R. Heyrovska
The Autumn Meeting of The Royal Society of Chemistry, Faraday Symposium on "Ions in Solution", Sheffield, UK, Sept. (1995). (Lecture in English)

68. Physical electrochemistry of strong electrolytes based on partial dissociation and hydration: quantitative interpretation of the thermodynamic properties of NaCl(aq) from "zero to saturation".

Author: R. Heyrovska
Journal of Electrochemical Society, 143 (1996) 1789-1793. (Full paper in English)
Erratum: Quantitative Interpretation of the Thermodynamic Properties of NaCl(aq) from `Zero to Saturation' [J. Electrochem. Soc., 143, 1789 (1996)] R. Heyrovská  J. Electrochem. Soc. 143 (1996) 3038.;

69. Partial dissociation and hydration of strong acids and the significance of "pH".

Author: R. Heyrovska
Abstract, p. 13, Moderni Elektroanalyticke Metody XVI, Harrachov, Czech Rep., May 14-16, 1996. (Short abstract in English)

70. Degrees of dissociation and hydration numbers of alkali halides in aqueous solutions at 25oC (some up to saturation)

Author: R. Heyrovska
Croatica Chemica Acta, 70 (1997) 39 - 54. (Full paper in English);

71. Equations for densities and dissociation constant of NaCl(aq) at 25oC from "zero to saturation" based on partial dissociation.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Journal of Electrochemical Society, 144 (1997) 2380-2384. (Full paper in English); DOI: 10.1149/1.1837822

72. Bjerrum's theory for ionic association in NaCl(aq) at 25oC from "zero to saturation".

Author: R. Heyrovska
Abstract p.12. International Conference on Inorganic Environmental Analysis & Quality Assurance, Pardubice, Czech Rep., Sept. 2-5, 1997. (Poster in English)

73. Physical electrochemistry of solutions of strong electrolytes (partial dissociation and hydration from "zero to saturation")

Author: R. Heyrovska
Chemicke Listy, 92 (1998) 157-166. (Full paper in English)

74. Notes on hydration theory

Author: R. Heyrovska
in Chapter 11, Book: "Ionic Equilibrium", Ed.: J. N. Butler (John Wiley and Sons, New York, (1998), pp. 477-481, etc. (In English)

75. Jaroslav Heyrovsky, the inventor of polarography

Author: R. Heyrovska
Current Science, 74 (1998) 554-557 (Biography in English). See also a group photo in: Chemical Heritage, 17 (Number 3), (1999) 22.

76. An estimate of the mass of neutrinos from nuclear mass defects.

Author: R. Heyrovska
a) 216th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, Aug. 1998, short abstract no. 9.
b) Text of the contribution printed by Desktop Publisher, Arjun Consultancy & Publishing Inc., Wayne NJ (USA), (1998), pp 1-14. (Full paper in English)

77. Rest mass based neutron numbers

Author: R. Heyrovska
216th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, Aug. 1998, short abstract no.11. (In English)

78. My contributions to physical chemistry (1969 - 89)

Author: R. Heyrovska
216th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, Aug. 1998, short abstract no. 49. (Lecture and poster, in English)

79. No kidding! Strong electrolytes are only partially dissociated in aqueous solutions at all concentrations as Arrhenius supposed!

Author: R. Heyrovska
216th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, Aug. 1998, short abstract no. 82. (Poster in English)

80. Contributions of women to chemistry.

About: R. Heyrovska (by Mary H. Sigleton)
Women Chemists, Newsletter published by ACS Women Chemists Committee, Washington, DC, Fall, 1998, p.7 in: (about R. Heyrovska by Mary Singleton)

81. Mean distance of closest approach of ions in NaCl(aq.) at 25oC calculated from degrees of association using Bjerrum's theory.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Current Science 76 (1999) 179-182. (Full paper in English) (Full text)

82. Volumes of ions, ionpairs and electrostriction of alkali halides in aqueous solutions at 25oC

Author: R. Heyrovska
217th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Anaheim, March 1999, short abstract no. 61. (Lecture in English)

83. A remark on Bjerrum's theory of ionic association: partial dissociation of NaCl(aq) from "zero to saturation" at 25oC.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Journal of Molecular Liquids 81 (1999) 83-86. (Letter in English)

84. Festina Lente (Hurry Slowly): The development of the theory of electrolytes. (Abstract of talk in English)

Abstract of: R. Heyrovska's talk, 1 17.3 BBL
March 1999

85. Degrees of dissociation and hydration numbers of M2SO4 (M = H, Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs and NH4) in aqueous solutions at 25oC.

Author: R. Heyrovska
1999 Joint International Meeting (196th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, USA, 1999 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan with technical cosponsorship of The Japan Society of Applied Physics), Honolulu, Hawaii, October 1999, short abstract no. 2041. (Extended abstract in English);

86. Thermodynamic significance of transfer coefficients.

Author: R. Heyrovska
2nd Workshop of Physical Chemists and Electrochemists: "Physical chemistry and Electrochemistry at the end of the second Millenium", Masaryk University, Brno, February 2000. Book of Abstracts, page 11. (Short abstract in English)

87. Volumes of ions, ionpairs and electrostriction of alkali halides in aqueous solutions at 25oC.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Marine Chemistry, 70 (2000) 49-59, Dedicated to Frank J. Millero on the occasion of his 60th birthday. paper in English) DOI: 10.1016/S0304-4203(00)00014-1

88. The Theory of Electrolytes.

Abstract of: R. Heyrovska's talk (by M. V. Orna)
Chemical Heritage 18 (2000) 29; (A short report by M. V. Orna of R. Heyrovska's talk in English)

89. Sorry Lewis, Bancroft was right: the concentration/activity controversy and the survival of the Journal of Physical Chemistry.

Author: R. Heyrovska
219th Meeting of The American Chemical Society, San Francisco, March 2000, Abstract no. 37. (Short abstract in English)

90. Aqueous redox potentials related to ionization potentials and electron affinities of elements by simple linear equations.

Author: R. Heyrovska
198th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, USA, Phoenix, Arizona, October 2000. Extended abstract No. 957. (in English),

91. J. Heyrovsky's data in 1923 on the deposition potentials of alkali metal cations interpreted here in terms of partial dissociation and hydration.

Author: R. Heyrovska
J. Heyrovsky Memorial Symposium on Advances in Polarography and Related Methods, Prague, Czech Republic, 30th August/1st September 2000. Extended abstract in Book of Abstracts, p. 36 (in English)

92. An estimation of the ionization potentials of actinides from a simple dependence of the aqueous standard potentials on the ionization potentials of elements including lanthanides.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Fourth International Conference on f-Elements, Madrid, September 2000. a) Extended abstract No. IP03. (in English);

b) Journal of Alloys and Compounds 323 - 324 (2001) 614-617; (Full paper in English). See link

93. A classical interpretation of the Rydberg formula for the hydrogen atom, without quantization of the angular momentum.

Author: R. Heyrovska
"Molecular Quantum Mechanics", An international conference in honor of Professor Ernest R. Davidson, July 21 - 26, 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. Book of abstracts, p. 60, (poster in English).

94. An estimate of the radii of electron and proton.

Author: R. Heyrovska
"Molecular Quantum Mechanics", An international conference in honor of Professor Ernest R. Davidson, July 21 - 26, 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. Book of abstracts, p. 61, (poster in English).

95. Recent success of the theory of partial dissociation and hydration of electrolytes (A tribute to van't Hoff and Arrhenius on the occasion of the Nobel Centennial, 2001)

Author: R. Heyrovska
Prague - Dresden Electrochemical Seminar, Jetrichovice, Czech Republic, December 2001. Book of Abstracts, p. 15. (Short abstract in English)

96. E.m.f. of cells: simple dependence on hydration, partial dissociation and transfer coefficient (not on activity coefficients and extended Debye-Huckel equations!)

Author: R. Heyrovska
3rd Workshop of Physical Chemists and Electrochemists, Masaryk University, Brno, February 2002, Book of abstracts, page 24. (In English)

97. A magnetic correction?

Abstract of: R. Heyrovska's talk (by T. Lassman)
Chemical Heritage, 20 (2002) 38. (A short report by T. Lassman of R. Heyrovska's talk in English)

98. A New Concise Equation of State for Gases Incorporating Thermodynamic Laws, Entropy and Partition Function.

Author: R. Heyrovska
First International Conference on Quantum Limits to the Second Law, San Diego, California (USA), 29-31 July 2002.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 643 (2002) 157 - 162; (Full paper in English); ISBN 0-7354-0098-9, link

99. Correlation of aqueous redox potentials with gaseous ionization potentials: influence of the magnetic momenta of the electron and proton.

Author: R. Heyrovska
203rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, USA, Paris, France, April - May 2003. Extended abstract No. 2640, (in English),

100. "Yes Arrhenius, electrolytes are indeed partially dissociated in solutions at all concentrations"

Author: R. Heyrovska
Invited Plenary talk, November 28, 2003, "Symposium Svante Arrhenius", Nov 27 - 29, 2003, Uppsala, Sweden, commemorating the centenary of the award of the Nobel Prize to Svante Arrhenius. Full text (Full text in English); see also ref. 113 below. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.11133.05606

101. A new century begins in solution science with "Development of the theory of electrolytic dissociation - Nobel Lecture by Svante Arrhenius, December 11, 1903"

Author: R. Heyrovska
Invited talk, December 11, 2003, Electrochemical Seminar, Dresden - Prague, December 11 - 12, 2003, Weigsdorf Koblitz, Germany. (In English)

102. A Concise Equation of State for Aqueous Solutions of Electrolytes Incorporating Thermodynamic Laws and Entropy.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Special Issue of ENTROPY, 6 (2004) 128 -132. (Full paper in Englsih), Full text in PDF, summary file

103. Compton shift and de Broglie frequency

Author: R. Heyrovska
full text (2004) ;

104. Anomalous magnetic moment and Compton wavelength

Author: R. Heyrovska
full text (2004) ;

105. Compton wavelength, Bohr radius, Balmer's formula and g-factors

Author: R. Heyrovska
full text (2004)

106. Hydrogen as an atomic condenser

Author: R. Heyrovska
35th Meeting of DAMOP, APS, Tucson, AZ, May 2004, Poster, Abstract: P-132. (In English)

107. The decisive role of the golden ratio in atomic dimensions

Author: R. Heyrovska
35th Meeting of DAMOP, APS, Tucson, AZ, May 2004, Poster, Abstract P-133. (In English)

108. The Golden Ratio, Atomic, Ionic and Molecular Capacities and Bonding Distances in Hydrides

Author: R. Heyrovska
2004 International Joint meeting of ECS, USA and Japanese, Korean and Australian Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 2004, Vol. 2004 - 2, Extended. Abs. C2-0551. (In Englsih)

109. Exploring The Atomic Properties Using Ionization Potential And the Golden Ratio

Author: R. Heyrovska V pracovního setkání fyzikálních chemiků a elektrochemiků, Masarykova univerzita v Brně, Unor, 8, 2005 (Vth Working Meeting of Physical Chemists and Electrochemists, Masaryk University, Brno, February 2005), Book of Abstracts, p. 32-33. (In English),; 

110. The Golden ratio, ionic and atomic radii and bond lengths

Author: R. Heyrovska
Molecular Physics, 103 (2005) 877 - 882. Special Issue of in honor of Nicholas Handy; Other IDs: 10.1080/00268970412331333591 (Full paper in English) DOI: 10.1080/00268970412331333591

111. *A New Contribution for WYP 2005: The Golden Ratio, Bohr Radius, Planck’s Constant, Fine-structure Constant, and g-Factors

Authors: R. Heyrovska and *co-author: S. Narayan
2nd IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2005, (Poster in English). Short abstract in:

AIP Conference Proceedings 795 (2005) 205; (Short abstract in English)
WOMEN IN PHYSICS: Second IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23-25 May 2005, Eds.Beverly Karplus Hartline and Ariel Michelman-Ribeiro; Published November 2005; ISBN 0-7354-0278-7.

112. *Fine-structure Constant, Anomalous Magnetic Moment, Relativity Factor and the Golden Ratio that Divides the Bohr Radius

Author: R. Heyrovska, *co-author: S. Narayan (2005, Full paper in English) ;

113. Ionic Concentrations and Hydration Numbers of “Supporting Electrolytes”

Author: R. Heyrovska
Special Issue in honor of Peter Zuman, Electroanalysis, 18 (2006) 351-361. (Full paper in English) DOI: 10.1002/elan.200503416

114. Linear relation between the ionic radii of alkali and halogen ions in the crystal (based on the Golden ratio and in aqueous solutions)

Author: R. Heyrovska VI pracovního setkání fyzikálních chemiků a elektrochemiků, Masarykova univerzita v Brně, Unor, 7, 2006 (VIth Working Meeting of Physical Chemists and Electrochemists, Masaryk University, Brno, February 2006), Book of Abstracts, pp. 38-39.ISBN 80-210-3943-4 (In English),

115. Dependence of ion-water distances on covalent radii, ionic radii in water and distances of oxygen and hydrogen of water from ion/water boundaries

Author: R. Heyrovska
Chem. Phys. Letts., 429 (2006) 600 - 605. (Article in English) DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2006.08.073

116. The Golden ratio in the creations of Nature arises in the architecture of atoms and ions.

Author: R. Heyrovska
9th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences, Antalya, Turkey, September 2006, Book of Abstracts, p. 37. (Invited Lecture)

117. Dependence of the length of the hydrogen bond on the covalent and cationic radii of hydrogen, and additivity of bonding distances

Author: R. Heyrovska
Chem. Phys. Lett. 432 (2006) 348 - 351. (Article in English) DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2006.10.037

118. Dependences of molar volumes in solids, partial molal and hydrated ionic volumes of alkali halides on covalent and ionic radii and the Golden ratio.

Author: R. Heyrovska
Chem. Phys. Lett. 436 (2007) 287 - 293. (Article in English). DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2007.01.042

119. New insights into the hydrogen atom

Author: R. Heyrovska
Chapter 8, pp. 203 - 215 in: "Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (Vol. 3)", ISBN 978-81-7271-577-8; ed. B. G. Sidharth; Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Frontiers in Fundamental Physics, Hyderabad, January 2003. Universities Press (Division of Orient Longman), 2007. (In English)

120. Linear Dependencies of Van Der Waals, Covalent and Valence Shell Radii of Atoms of Groups 1a - 8a on their Bohr Radii

Author: R. Heyrovska (v1) and v(2).

Atomic Structures of the Molecular Components in DNA and RNA based on Bond Lengths as Sums of Atomic Radii


Author: R. Heyrovska to v(4)

*122. Structures of molecules at the atomic level: Caffeine and related compounds

Authors: R. Heyrovska and S. Narayan
10th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences, Manila, Phillipines, 7 - 11 January 2008, a) Book of Abstracts, Published by the Kapisanag Kimika ng  Pilipinas (Chemical Society of the Philippines, Inc.), ISBN: 978-971-93848-1-6, Abstract number O-11, page 330. (Poster in English).
b) Full text in:

123. Direct depnedence of covalent, van der Waals and valence shell radii of atoms on their Bohr radii for elements of Groups 1A - 8A

Author: R. Heyrovska
10th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences, Manila, Phillipines, 7 - 11 January 2008, Ohtaki Memorial Lecture: a) Book of Abstracts, Published by the Kapisanag Kimika ng  Pilipinas (Chemical Society of the Philippines, Inc.), ISBN: 978-971-93848-1-6, Abstract number OC-4-3, page 82. (Oral presentation in English)
b) Full text (v2) in:

124. Structures of the Molecular Components in DNA and RNA with Bond Lengths Interpreted as Sums of Atomic Covalent Radii

Author: R. Heyrovska
The Open Structural Biology Journal, 2 (2008) 1 - 7;; (Open access full paper in English); (Full downloadable text);, (v1 inRef. 121) DOI: 10.2174/1874199100802010001

125. Atomic Structures of all the Twenty Essential Amino Acids and a Tripeptide, with Bond Lengths as Sums of Atomic Covalent Radii

Author: R. Heyrovska
Full text (v2) in:;

126. Atomic Structures of Graphene, Benzene and Methane with Bond Lengths as Sums of the Single, Double and Resonance Bond Radii of carbon

Author: R. Heyrovska
Full text (v1) in:

127. Atomic Structures of Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) and its Reduced Form with Bond Lengths Based on Additivity of Atomic Radii

Author: R. Heyrovska
Full text in (v1):

128. Atomic Structure of Benzene Which Accounts for Resonance Energy

Author: R. Heyrovska
Full text in:

Bond Energy Sums in Benzene, Cyclohexatriene and Cyclohexane Prove Resonance Unnecessary

Author: R. Heyrovska
Full text in:

130. Various Carbon to Carbon Bond Lengths Inter-related via the Golden Ratio, and their Linear Dependence on Bond Energies 

Author: R. Heyrovska
Full text in:

131. Direct depnedence of covalent, van der Waals and valence shell radii of atoms on their Bohr radii for elements of Groups 1A - 8A

Author: R. Heyrovska
Philippine Journal of Science, 137 (2): 133-139, December 2008, ISSN 0031 - 7683; (see also Ref. 123 above); (Full paper in English)

132. The Golden ratio in the creations of Nature arises in the architecture of atoms and ions.

Author: R. Heyrovska
a) Abstract D-IL-1, b) Chapter 12 in: "Innovations in Chemical Biology", Editor: Bilge Sener,, January 2009, pp 133-139; ISBN-10: 1402069545, ISBN-13: 978-1402069543 (Proceedings of the 9th EurasiaConference on Chemical Sciences, Antalya, Turkey, 9-13 September 2006; Invited Lecture).
(Full paper in English) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-6955-0_12

Golden Sections of Interatomic Distances as Exact Ionic Radii and Additivity of Atomic and Ionic Radii in Chemical Bonds

Author: R. Heyrovska
arXiv:0902.1184 [pdf]; ;

134. Golden sections of inter-atomic distances as exact ionic radii of atoms

Author: R. Heyrovska
Nature Precedings  (2009), (Full text), see aslo ref. 133 above.

*135. Atomic Structures of Molecules Based on Additivity of Atomic and/or Ionic Radii

Authors: Raji Heyrovska and Sara Narayan 
a) AIP Conference Proceedings 1119 (2009) 216;
Editor(s): Beverly Karplus Hartline, Renee K. Horton, Catherine M. Kaicher.
WOMEN IN PHYSICS: Third IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics“, Seoul, South Korea, 2008; DOI:10.1063/1.3137724; (Short abstract). (open access volume); b) Nature Precedings (2009), (Full poster in .pdf). DOI: 10.1063/1.3137817

136. Absolute Potentials of the Hydrogen Electrode and of Aqueous Redox Couples

Author: R. Heyrovska
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 12(10) (2009) F29-F30. DOI: 10.1149/1.3186645

137. Absolute aqueous redox potentials (via a new link between aqueous and gaseous properties)

Author: R. Heyrovska
a) 9th workshop of physical chemists and electrochemists, Brno, June 2009;
b) Nature Precedings (2009), (Full text in English)
DOI: 10.1038/npre.2009.3395.1

138. Aqueous Redox Potentials Found to be Inversely Proportional to the Bohr Radius

Author: R. Heyrovska
a) 216th ECS Meeting, Vienna, Austria, October 2009: Electrochem. Soc. 902, 3067, 2009. (Abstract in English)
b) Electrochem.Soc. Trans., 25, (2010) 159-163. (Full text in English)
DOI: 10.1149/1.3328519

139. Absolute potentials of standard reference electrodes at 25 0C

Author: R. Heyrovska
a) MEM 2009 conference, dedicated to Prof. J. Heyrovsky on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the award of the Nobel Prize for Polarography, Prague, 9-13 Decmber 2009:;
b) Conference Proceedings: Chemicke Listy, 103 (2009) OP-10, s238: (Abstract),
c) OP-10, p. s238, Proceedings of the Modern Electroanalytical Methods 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 December 2009, Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Science, Charles University, Editors: J. Barek, K. Nesměrák,OP-10, page 10 in: Proceedings complete.pdf
d) Nature Precedings (2010) (Full text in English)
DOI: 10.1038/npre.2010.4354.1

140. Radii of redox components from absolute redox potentials compared with covalent and aqueous ionic radii

R. Heyrovska
Electroanalysis, 22, (2010) 903 - 907,
Published online; 4 March 2010. (Full text in English) DOI: 10.1002/elan.200900503

141. Bonding distances as Exact Sums of the Radii of the Constituent Atoms in Nanomaterials - Boron Nitride and Coronene                  

Author: R. Heyrovska (2010);

*Precise Atomic Structures of Three Novel Nanomaterials in Nanotechnology, Biomedicine and Cosmology:Graphene, Boron Nitride and Coronene

             Authors: R. Heyrovska, L. Atchison and S. Narayan
             The Nanomaterials Symposium, April 19, 2010, JHU/APL Kossiakoff Center, MD, (Poster)

             Nature Precedings (2010) (Full text in English)

           143. New Equations for Atomic Mass, Mass per Nucleon and Mass defects of Elements in Terms of Rest Mass Based
           Neutron Numbers.

           Author: R. Heyrovska
           Nature Precedings (2010)  (Full text in English)

           144. Additivity of covalent and or ionic radii in the atomic structure of molecules

           Author: R. Heyrovska

           11th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences, 6-10 October 2010, The Dead Sea - Jordan (Invited talk)

           145. Absolute Potentials of the Hydrogen Electrode and of Redox Couples

           Author: R. Heyrovska

           11th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences, 6-10 October 2010, The Dead Sea - Jordan (Poster)

            146. Comments on Graphene
            Author: R. Heyrovska       

            Nature 467, 642 (2010); doi:10.1038/467642a; Published online 5 October 2010;
Gender discrimination is a drawback for the progress of science

            Author: R. Heyrovska
         Symposium: International Women in Science, Challenges and Triumphs, International Year of Chemistry 2011
         ACS Spring Meeting March 2011, Anaheim, CA, USA. (Invited talk)

  (Full .ppt text in English)

148. Precise atomic structures of two important molecules in biochemistry: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and aspirin (acetyl salicylic acid)

Authors: R. Heyrovska, L. Atchison and S. Narayan
International Year of Chemistry 2011, ACS Spring Meeting March 2011, Anaheim, CA, USA, (poster).
Nature Precedings (Full text in English)
DOI: 10.1038/npre.2011.5966

149. Balmer and Rydberg equations for hydrogen spectra revisited.

Author: R. Heyrovska (2011) (Full text in English)

Disorder & structureless are seeming notions, since there is order at the atomic level

Author: R. Heyrovska  (Comment posted on: 2011-06-27)

151. Structures at the Atomic Level of Cobalt, Zinc and Lead Niobates (with an Appendix: Atomic structure of cobalt niobate crystal).

Author: R. Heyrovska
Nature Precedings (Full text in English) ; (2011) (Full text in English)
DOI: 10.1038/npre.2011.6059.1

152. Atomic and molecular structures of positronium, dipositronium and positronium hydride

Author: R. Heyrovska

Nature Precedings; (Full text in English)

153. Partial dissociation and hydration quantitatively explain the properties of aqueous electrolyte solutions and hence
empirical activity concepts are unnecessary. (Dedicated to Svante Arrhenius on the occasion of IYC 2011)

Author: R. Heyrovska
Nature Precedings; (Full text in English)

154. Arrhenius' theory of partial dissociation and hydration of electrolytes in solutions replaces existing activity concepts

Author: R. Heyrovska
Nature Precedings (Full text in English)

*155. Structures of molecules at the atomic level: Caffeine and related compounds

Authors: R. Heyrovska and S. Narayan
Philippine Journal of Science, 140(2): 119-124, 2011
(Full paper) in English.

156. Precise Molecular Structures of Cysteine, Cystine, Hydrogen-Bonded Dicysteine, Cysteine Dipeptide,Glutathione
and Acetyl Cysteine Based on Additivity of Atomic Radii

Author: R. Heyrovska
Nature Precedings (Full text in English)

157. Arrhenius' theory of partial dissociation and hydration completely replace existing ideas of activity and
complete dissociation of electrolytes in solutions

Author: R. Heyrovska
Current Topics in Electrochemistry, 16, 47-56, 2011; (Full text of paper) in English. DOI: 10.1002/chin.201343260

158. New insight into DNA damage by cisplatin at the atomic scale

Author: R. Heyrovska
a) Nature Precedings
Presented at: the 12th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences, Corfu, Greece, April 16-21, 2012. (Invited talk) Abstract in:
c) Photo:

159. Precise Atomic Structures of L-DOPA, Dopamine, Noradrenaline, Adrenaline, Isoprenaline, 5-HTP, Serotonin and Histamine with Bond Lengths as Exact Sums of Adjacent Atomic Radii.

Author: R. Heyrovska
International J. Sci., Vol 1, 1-9, Issue: Nov-2012.
[Research Article (ISSN 2305-3925)]

Part IV: 2013-2018: [160 -208] (Emeritus, Private Research Scientist in Czech Rep.)

160. Atomic and Ionic Radi of Elements and Bohr Radii from Ionization Potentials are Linked Through the Golden Ratio

Author: R. Heyrovska
International J. Sci., Vol 2, 82-92, Issue: Mar-2013.  [Research Article (ISSN 2305-3925)]

161. Solution phase thermodynamics of strong electrolytes based on ionic concentrations, hydration numbers and volumes of dissolved entities.

Author: R. Heyrovska

Special Issue, Structural Chemistry,; (DOI) 10.1007/s11224-013-0256-7 (invited article);
Struct. Chem.
(2013) 24:1895-1901; DOI 10.1007/s11224-013-0256-7. DOI: 10.1007/s11224-013-0256-7

162. Bond Lengths, Bond Angles and Bohr Radii from Ionization Potentials Related via the Golden Ratio for H2+, O2, O3, H2O, SO2, NO2 and CO2

Author: R. Heyrovska
International J. Sci., Vol 2, 1-4, Issue: Apr-2013.
[Research Article (ISSN 2305-3925)]

163. Atomic, Ionic and Bohr Radii Linked via the Golden Ratio for Elements Including Lanthanides and Actinides

Author: R. Heyrovska
International J. Sci., Vol 2, 63-68, Issue-Apr-2013, [Research Article (ISSN 2305-3925)]

164. Atomic, ionic and Bohr radii linked via the golden ratio for the elements in DNA: C, N, O, P and H

Author: R. Heyrovska
"XIII. Meeting of physical chemists and electrochemists "and" VII. Electrochemical Summer School", Mendel University, Brno, May 2013.
Theme: "60 years DNA: 1953 - 2013";abstract: pp 146-147;

165. Golden Ratio Based Fine Structure Constant and Rydberg Constant for Hydrogen Spectra

Author: R. Heyrovska
International J. Sci., Vol 2, 28-31, Issue: May-2013. [Research Article (ISSN 2305-3925)]

166. Bond Lengths in Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide and Carbonic Acid as Sums of Atomic, Ionic and Bohr Radii.
Dedicated to Joseph Black (April 1728 - December 1799)

Author: R. Heyrovska
International J. Sci., Vol 2, 30-32, Issue: Dec-2013. [Research Article]

167. Atomic Structures of Glucose, Fructose and Sucrose and Expalnation of Anomeric Carbon

Author: R. Heyrovska; doi:10.1101/002022; January 2014

168. The long O-O bond in HOON: Comments on "Detection and Structure of HOON: Microwave Spectroscopy Reveals an O–O Bond Exceeding 1.9 Å by Crabtree et al.
13 December 2013: Vol. 342 no. 6164 pp. 1354-1357" DOI:10.1126/science.1244180 

            Author: R. Heyrovska
   (Article with Figures submitted to

           169The Golden Ratio In Atomic Architecture (Keynote talk)

           Author: R. Heyrovska
"Shechtman International Symposium, Cancun, Mexico, 29 June - 3 July 2014"

Full text of Keynote talk in: 2014 - Sustainable Industrial processing summit/Shechtman International Symposium;
olume 5: Composite, Ceramic, Quasicrystals, Nanomaterials, High temperature Protection Coatings. Edited by Florian Kongoli, Flogen 2014, pp 395 - 402.

170. Bond Lengths as Exact Sums of the Radii of Adjacent Atoms and or Ions in the Structures of Molecules (Lead Lecture)

Author: R. Heyrovska
13th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences, 14-18 December, 2014, I.I.Sc., Bangalore, India: Lead Lecture (LL): 17th December 2014, Abstract number 165. (p.3: Raji H., Chair, CTC: Dec 16 & p. 4, Raji H., LL.5, Dec 17)
Full Abstract in:

              171. New Interpretation of the Structure and Formation of Ozone Based on the Atomic and Golden Ratio Based Ionic Radii of Oxygen.
            Author: R. Heyrovska


   172. The Golden ratio, a key geometrical constant in atomic architecture.
   Author: R. Heyrovska

113th Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers University, Hill Center, May 10-12, 2015, Program of Coneference, Abstract B2, p 22.  (Power point Talk)                   
173. Structural Insights at the Atomic Level of Important Materials: Al and Mn as special examples in honor of D. Shechtman

Author: R. Heyrovska,;
(Keynote talk: SIPS 2015, October 2015, Antalya, Turkey)

174. Sorry Bohr, Ground State Energy of Hydrogen Atom is Not Negative.

Author: R. Heyrovska;

175. Simple Interpretation of the Bond Lengths and Bond Angles in Stratospheric Chlorine Monoxide and Peroxide Based on Atomic and Ionic Radii

Author: R. Heyrovska;

176. The Coulombic Nature of the van der Waals Bond Connecting Conducting Graphene Layers in Graphite

Author: R. Heyrovska; (Accepted for publication in 'Graphene')


177. A Simple and Precise Interpretation of the Bond Lengths and Angles in Diborane in Terms of Atomic and Ionic Radii. - Dedicated to Dmitri Mendeleev (8 Feb.1834 - 2 Feb 1907) on his birth anniversary.

Author: R. Heyrovska;

178. The Coulombic Nature of the van der Waals Bond Connecting Conducting Graphene Layers in Graphite. - Dedicated to geo-carbon expert, Prof. Gustaf Arrhenius, of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, CA. (Full article)

Author: R. Heyrovska

Graphene, 5, 35-38, 2016,;
Cover photo in Graphene April 2016 issue:

Homepage of Rajalakshmi Heyrovská (Raji Heyrovska for short)

179. A Simple and Exact Interpretation of the Bond Lengths and Stacking Distances in Benzene and its Dimers in Terms of Atomic Covalent Radii

Author: R. Heyrovska

Unified Thermodynamics for All Concentrations of Electrolytes Based on Hydration and Partial Dissociation (Without Activity Coefficients, 1995-)

Author: R. Heyrovska

229th ECS Meeting,, May 29-June 2, 2016 | San Diego, CA, Abstract #72574; DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.1669.2724

181. Absolute Potentials of the Standard Hydrogen Electrode (4.20 V), Standard Reference Electrodes & Aqueous Redox Couples of Elements

Author: R. Heyrovska
229th ECS Meeting,, May 29-June 2, 2016 | San Diego, CA, Abstract #72655

Solution Chemistry Simplified Based on Arrhenius' Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation and Hydration For all Concentrations - Collected  research work, dedicated to Svante August Arrhenius (1859 – 1927).

Author: R. Heyrovska;

183. Absolute Potentials of the Standard Hydrogen Electrode, Reference Electrodes and Aqueous Redox Couples of Elements of Gps. I –VIII  -Collected work dedicated to the pioneers, Volta, Davy and Faraday.

Author: R. Heyrovska ;

184. Simple and Exact Additivity of Atomic and Ionic Radii in Various Types of Bonds in Small as Well as Large Molecules
- Collected work dedicated to John Dalton (1766 – 1844) in commemoration of his 250th birth anniversary

Author: R. Heyrovska;

185. A New Linear Equation Relating Interfacial Tension of Mercury and Isotension Potentials Describing Asymmetry in Electrocapillary Curves - Dedicated to the polarographer, Prof. J. Heyrovsky* (Dec. 20, 1890 – Mar. 27, 1967).

Author: R. Heyrovska

186. Communication--A Linear Equation Relating Interfacial Tension and Isotension Potentials to Describe Asymmetry in Electrocapillary Curves

Author: R. Heyrovska; doi: 10.1149/2.0301608jes J. Electrochem. Soc. volume 163, issue 8, H639-H641 (Open access article)

187. Linear Dependeents Calculated by Rahm, Hoffmann and Ashcroft –nce on Covalent Radii of Atomic and Ionic Radii of Elements Calculated by Rahm, Hoffmann and Ashcroft - Dedicated to Alfred B. Nobel (21 Oct.1833 – 10 Dec.1896) to commemorate the 120th Anniversary of his demise.

Author: R. Heyrovska ;

188. New Simple Relations Connecting Bond Lengths, Lattice Parameters and Bohr Radii for the Biologically Important Elements, C, N, O, P and S
Dedicated to Sir J.J. Thomson ((18 Dec 1856 - 30 Aug 1940) to commemorate his 160th Birth Anniversary

Author: R. Heyrovska (abstract); (full text)

189. Coulomb's Law is Not Violated in Anion Dimers as Reported by Fatila et al - Dedicated to Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (14 June 1736 – 23 August 1806)
Author: R. Heyrovska (abstract), (full text)

190. Bohr Radius as the Sum of Golden Sections Pertaining to the Electron and Proton, Covalent Bond Lengths Between Same Two Atoms as Exact Sums of Their Cationic and Anionic Radii and Additivity of Atomic and or Ionic Radii in Bond Lengths – Collected work dedicated to Johannes Kepler (1571 - 1630).
Author: R. Heyrovska (abstract); (full text)

191. Simple Relation Between Proton Radius, Bohr Radius and Fine Structure Constant
Author: R. Heyrovska (abstract); (full text)

192. Proton radius related to Bohr radius and fine structure constant
Author: R. Heyrovska
E-Letter (
online: 10 October 2017) In: Science  06 Oct 2017:Vol. 358, Issue 6359, pp. 79-85, DOI: 10.1126/science.aah6677

193. Thermodynamics of Redox and Solubility Equilibria Based on Hydration and Partial Dissociation of Electrolytes.
Author: R. Heyrovska (abstract); (full text)

194. Response to “Comment on ‘Physical Electrochemistry of Strong Electrolytes Based on Partial Dissociation and Hydration’
[J. Electrochem. Soc., 143, 1789 (1996)]”
Author: R. Heyrovska
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 164 (13) Y15-Y15 (2017);

195. An Estimate of the Mass of Neutrinos from Nuclear Mass Defects
Author: R. Heyrovska (abstract); (full text)

196. Comments on The Pitzer Equations Formulated on the Assumption of Complete Dissociation of Strong Electrolytes
Author: R. Heyrovska (abstract), (full text)

197. A Simultaneous Interpretation of Existing Data on Non-Ideality of Gases and Solutions; Simple Equations of State Without Empirical Concepts and Parameters; Langmuir Isotherm for Three Dimensions (Dedicated to the Memory of J.H. Van’t Hoff)
Author: R. Heyrovska
(abstract); (full text)

198. Bulk and Surface Hydration Numbers and Degrees of Dissociation of NaCl in Aqueous Solutions at 25oC for all Concentrations.
Author: R. Heyrovska
(abstract), (full text: [v1] 2018-01-08)

199. Atomic and Ionic Radii in the Structures of Inorganic, Organic and Biological Molecules: Reference Papers with Data and Figures.
Author: R. Heyrovska, (abstract); (full text)

200. Current Physical Electrochemistry Based on Actual Ionic Concentrations, Hydration and Absolute Electrode Potentials. - (Dedicated to Svante Arrhenius (1859 – 1927) and Alessandro Volta (1754 – 1827) on the 90th and 190th anniversaries, respectively, of their demise)

Author: R. Heyrovska, Research Trends: CurrentTopics in Eletrochemistry (in Press).


201. Simple and Exact Additivity of Atomic and Ionic Radii in Various Types of Bonds in Small as Well as Large Molecules - Dedicated to John Dalton (1766 – 1844) in commemoration of his 250th birth anniversary

Author: R. Heyrovska,  Structural Chemistry & Crystallography Communication,  Vol. 3 No. 2:5; DOI: 10.21767/2470-9905.100029 (in Press). (Preprint: Ref 184 above.)

Structure of hexagonal boron nitride at the atomic level.
Author: R. Heyrovska, e-Letter in: Science 23 Feb 2018: Vol 359, Issue 6378, pp 871;

203. The Golden Ratio, the Principle of Construction of Atoms
Author: R. Heyrovska, (abstract); (full text)
Submission history
: [v1] 2018-02-26 12:23:58

204. Structure of Ice VII and the Dimensions of the Water Molecule
Author: R. Heyrovska,

205. Interpretation of the Longest C-C Bond Reported by Ishigaki et al.
Author: R. Heyrovska, (abstract), (full text)

206. Coulombic Energy Replaced by Electromagnetic Energy in Bohr’s Theory Makes Atomic Physics Simple and Sensible.
Author: R. Heyrovska, ;

207. The Golden Ratio in Atomic Theory

Author: R. Heyrovska,

208. Bond Lengths in a Carbocation Explained in terms of Covalent Radius, Ground State Bohr Radius and the Golden Ratio

Author: R. Heyrovska, ;




           PUBLICATIONS / RESEARCH CONTRIBUTIONS (ready for publication)



1. *Past, present and future of Czech women physicists.

Author: Raji Heyrovska (team leader), *co-authors: Jarmila Kodymova, Olga Krupkova and Jana Musilova.
WWW publication, the First International IUPAP Conference on "Women in Physics", Paris, March 2002; (Full text of Poster). (In English) (Full poster in English)

2. Czech team in the First IUPAP conference on Women in Physics

Author: R. Heyrovska (team leader)
(a) Akademický Bulletin, 6 (2002) 18. (In English) (Full text in English)
(b) Cesky Dialog 6/2002; (Full text in English)

3. *How to increase the number of "women in physics" in the Czech Republic?

Author: Raji Heyrovska (team leader), *co-authors: Jarmila Kodymova, Olga Krupkova and Jana Musilova.
Proceedings of the First International IUPAP Conference on "Women in Physics", Paris, March 2002; (In Englsih)
AIP Conference Proceedings, 628 (2002) 153-154.ISBN: 0-7354-0074-1;
Beverly Karplus Hartline, Heritage University, Dongqi Li, Argonne National Laboratory
link; (open access volume); (full text)

4. *Zeny ve fyzice (Women in Physics)
Par slov o mezinarodni "Fyzikalni konferenci bez fyziky" (Few words on the international "Physics conference without physics")

Author: Raji Heyrovska (team leader), *co-authors: Jarmila Kodymova, Olga Krupkova and Jana Musilova.
Ceskoslovensky casopis pro fyziku, 53 (2003) 36; (Full article in Czech),

5. Gender is Nature's creation, but barrier is man-made

Author: R. Heyrovska
Proceedings of the International Conference on "Women Scholars and Institutions", Prague, Czech Republic, June 2003; Eds: Sona Strbanova, Ida H. Stamhuis and Katerina Mojsejova; (published in English). (* Invited Chief Guest)
Studies in the History of Sciences and Humanities, 13B (2004) 817 - 821. (In English)
Ed.: Antonin Kostlan, Research Centre for the History of Sciences and Humanities, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Charles University, Prague; DUOPRESS, Mnichovo Hradiste, Czech Republic, 2004. (ISBN80-7285-041-5; ISSN 1213-1199. link

6. *Launching a Successful Physics Career: Mentoring, Evaluation, Different Career Paths, Visibility, Developing a Reputation

Authors: Julie Corbett, Raji Heyrovska, Lilia Meza-Montes and Sumathi Rao
AIP conference Proceedings, 795 (2005) 11 – 14.

7. *Present State of Women in Physics in the Czech Republic

Author: R. Heyrovska (team leader), *co-authors: M. Glogarova and J. Kodymova.
2nd IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2005, (Poster in English). Short abstract in:

8. a) Czech Women's Team in the 2nd IUPAP conference on Women in Physics, Rio de Janeiro, May 2005

"Zeny a Veda", June 2005, Publisher: Sociology Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.; News Letter, June 2005, page 2. (Full article in English),
b) Český tým vědkyň na 2. IUPAP konferenci o ženách v fyzice, Rio de Janeiro
květen 2005,;

9. *Czech Women's Team in Rio de Janeiro

Author: R. Heyrovska, (team leader), *co-authors: M. Glogarova and J. Kodymova.
Akademický Bulletin, 9 (2005). (Full article in English)

10. *IUPAP conference on Women in Physics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2005

Author: R. Heyrovska, *co-authors: Julia Yeomans, Deda Antoneta, Gillian Gehring and Larissa Svirina.
Europhysics news, 36, No. 5, (2005) 175. (Full article in English)

11. *Visibility, Developing a Reputation

*Authors: J. Corbett, R. Heyrovska, L. Meza-Montes, and S. Rao
AIP Conference Proceedings 795 (2005) 11; (Full article in English)

WOMEN IN PHYSICS: Second IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23-25 May 2005, Eds.Beverly Karplus Hartline and Ariel Michelman-Ribeiro; Published November 2005; ISBN 0-7354-0278-7.

12. *Present State of Women in Physics in the Czech Republic

*Authors: R. Heyrovska´, M. Glogarova´, and J. Kodymova´
AIP Conference Proceedings 795 (2005) 113;
Eds.Beverly Karplus Hartline and Ariel Michelman-Ribeiro (Full article in English)
WOMEN IN PHYSICS: Second IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics“, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23-25 May 2005, pp 27-28; Published November 2005; ISBN 0-7354-0278-7.

  13. *Conference on women in physics in Korea

 *Authors: Raji Heyrovska (team leader), Jarmila Kodymova and Vera Hamplova
Akademický Bulletin, 11 (2008) 8 - 9. (Full article in English)

14. *Czech Women in Physics- Progress and Problems Since the Last Two Conferences

*Authors: Raji Heyrovska (team leader), Jarmila Kodymova and Vera Hamplova 
3rd IUPAP International Conference on Women In Physics 2008, Seoul, South Korea, 8th~10th of October, 2008. (Poster in Englsih). 
AIP Conference Proceedings 1119 (2009) 107;
Editor(s): Beverly Karplus Hartline, Renee K. Horton, Catherine M. Kaicher,
WOMEN IN PHYSICS: Third IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics“; DOI:10.1063/1.3137724; (open access volume) (Full article in English)

15. Gender discrimination is a drawback for the progress of Science

           Author: R. Heyrovska
         Symposium: International Women in Science, Challenges and Triumphs, International Year of Chemistry 2011
         ACS Spring Meeting March 2011, Anaheim, CA, USA. (Invited talk)



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