Prof. RNDr. Petr Čársky DrSc.
Emeritus researcher
Room: 105
Phone: +420266053665
E-mail: petr.carsky@jh-inst.cas.cz
Address: J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS, Dolejškova 2155/3, Prague 8, 18200, Czech Republic
Research Interests
Development and implementation of accurate quantum chemical methods, in particular Multireference Brillouin-Wigner Coupled Cluster method up to 2002
Electron-Molecule Interactions: Electron scattering and vibrational excitation since 2002
Teaching (in Czech) together with Doc. Jiří Fišer
National Award STUDENSKÝ VELEMLOK - award for the best teacher in courses of chemistry (Faculty of Sciences of Charles University) together with Doc. Jiří Fišer, 2013