55th Heyrovskı Discussions |
The Heyrovskı Discussions have been organized during the last four decades every year by
the J. Heyrovskı Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic. Each year a different field of electrochemistry is selected as the discussion theme.
The total number of participants is limited to about 50-60 by the capacity of the Castle.
The general philosophy of Discussions is to invite experienced scientists specialized in a certain field together with students
or young researchers, and to let them present in an informal way their most recent electrochemical achievements with a special stress on
broad and friendly scientific discussion.
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is a powerful technique for investigating the mechanisms of electrochemical reactions and charge transport properties
of various materials and devices in different environments. EIS relates to almost all scientific disciplines, ranging from physical, organic, and analytical chemistry
to biology and medicine. EIS registers important contributions in current and innovative fields
such as electrocatalysis, corrosion, sensors, dielectrics, semiconductors, as well as in the rapidly growing areas of nanomaterials and nanotechnology, energy conversion,
and storage.
This year Heyrovskı Discussions are devoted to the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, analysis and related methods.
Therefore 55th Heyrovskı Discussions is held jointly with the 13th International
Zdravko Stoynov Symposium on
Electrochemical Impedance Analysis (EIA).
The first EIA meeting, organized in Russia in 1987, was followed by a chain of ten successful symposia held in Bulgaria (1990, 1993, 2014),
Poland (1996), Hungary (1999), Czech Republic, (2002, 2006, 2008), Croatia (2011), Italy (2017) and on-line Germany (2021).
The time schedule is less strict than at conventional meetings allowing more space to discussion.
The program is divided into several sessions devoted to individual topics. The oral presentations announced in the program (approx. 20 min
long) as well as short ad hoc contributions (5-10 min long) will be accompanied by free discussion. The chairing person plays an important role
here, since in the frame of a session he/she has to follow time and simultaneously to provoke and coordinate discussion. Posters will be exhibited during the whole meeting in foyer.
Note that the most fresh results presented as ad-hoc contributions need no abstracts. The program will be announced just at the beginning of Discussions.
Zdravko Stoynov Memorial Medal
Zdravko Stoynov Memorial Medal is awarded at the triennial International Zdravko Stoynov Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Analysis.
It recognizes the outstanding contribution of a living individual in the field of electrochemical impedance analysis, including development of equipment and/or methodology.
The contribution may be for a single development or for overall achievements.
Next award: 13th International Zdravko Stoynov Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Analysis (June 9-13, 2024 – castle Trešt)
NOMINATION SUBMISSION: Nominations must be submitted electronically until May 20, 2024
to the Award Committee Chair Dr. Magdalena Hromadova: magdalena.hromadova@jh-inst.cas.cz
AWARD RULES: Zdravko Stoynov Memorial Medal has been established by the International Zdravko Stoynov Symposium on Electrochemical Impedance Analysis
to honor one of its founding members, the late Professor Zdravko Stoynov, for his numerous advancements in the field of electrochemical impedance.
The award recognizes the outstanding contribution of a living individual in the field of electrochemical impedance analysis
for a single development or for overall achievements and is given at each triennial EIA Symposium.
The award is donated by the Symposium and sponsoring organizations.
The award recipient is announced via the Symposium website.
The award recipient receives a medal, a certificate and an invitation to give a plenary lecture at the EIA Symposium at which the award is presented.
Nominations are solicited by the EIA Award Selection Committee (ASC). Candidates for the award can be proposed by institutes, university
departments, companies, and individuals working in the field.
The nominations (1000 words or less) should describe the relevant contributions of the individual and must be accompanied by two letters of support.
All documents must be sent by mail in PDF format to the Chair of the ASC within the nomination period.
The Award Selection Committee consists of five persons: The Chair or one of the Co-chairs of the current EIA Symposium, the Chair or one
of the co-chairs of the previous EIA Symposium, and three members nominated by the International Organizing Committee.