With a GPS device available, you can conveniently navigate to the address 'Prazska 2133, Znojmo' or to the coordinates 48°52'08.4"N 16°02'07.8"E (decimal 48.8690N, 16.0355E). Otherwise, Google can generate you an itinerary to this destination.
Parking at the hotel's parking lot costs CZK 150 (approx. 6 EUR) per night.
From the train and bus stations in Znojmo, which are adjacent to each other, it is possible to get to the Premium Hotel by local public transport (bus lines 815 and 816 to the stop 'Prazska, sidliste' or bus line 803 to the stop 'Znojmo, Pod soudnim vrchem').
The ride time is below 10 minutes and no line change is necessary.
You can find connections HERE.
If you would like to use the taxi service, you can choose one here or call +420 604 888 111.
In case you would like to rent a car in Znojmo, you can use the company TravelCar (info@travelcar.cz, phone +420702009200), which has a local branch. Unfortunately they do not offer rental with different pick-up and drop-off location, so if you would like to use a rental car to go to Znojmo and Bratislava, you should use services of an international car rental company at your arrival airport.
From Vienna to Znojmo it is possible to travel by train. The price starts at 19.90 EUR and the usual travel time is 2h 45 minutes. You can find tickets for example HERE. Another possibility is FlixBus, which is faster and cheaper, but has only early morning and evening connections: HERE
From Znojmo to Bratislava it is possible to travel by train. The price starts at 35.20 EUR and the usual travel time is 3h, with one train change. You can find tickets for example HERE. Bus connection from Znojmo to Bratislava also requires a bus change and may take over 4 hours, but is cheaper: HERE
From Prague to Znojmo it is possible to travel by direct bus (HERE). The price starts at 10.50 EUR and the usual travel time is 3h 10 minutes. For other connections, we recommend to use IDOS.cz.