48th Heyrovský Discussion |
organizers: phone: e-mail:
Z. Samec and V. Mareček (+420) 775 990 012 and (+420) 266 052 011 zdenek.samec@jh-inst.cas.cz
The Heyrovský Discussion has been organized during the last four decades every year by the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i.. Originally the Discussion was held at the Liblice Castle, later in the Bechyně Castle, in Brno, but most frequently in the last years it has taken place at the renaissance Castle Třešť in southeastern Bohemia, in an attractive, peaceful locality rich in historical monuments and of beautiful natural scenery. Each year a different field of electrochemistry is selected as the discussion theme. Total number of participants is limited to about 50-60 by the capacity of the castle.
The general philosophy of the Discussion is to invite experienced scientists specialized in a certain field together with students or young research workers, and to let them present in an informal way their most recent electrochemical achievements and interpretations with a special stress on a broad and friendly scientific discussion. For this reason the time schedule is more free than that at conventional meetings allowing more space for discussion: the program is divided into several sessions devoted to individual topics. Every session is opened by an introductory lecture (45 min). After that oral presentations announced in the program (25 min long), which are accompanied by free discussion. The chair person plays an important role here, since in the frame of a session he/she has to follow time and simultaneously to provoke and coordinate discussion.
In order to allow presentation of the most recent results, abstracts of the announced oral contributions are to be submitted (in electronic form) only six weeks in advance (i.e., until May 5th, 2015). The authors should use the template (DOWNLOAD HERE). Printed proceedings of the announced papers (as well as their electronic form) will be prepared before the Discussion.