Awards & Grants

Trusted                                       Lindau                        OttoOutstanding



  1. Received GAČR Standard project from Grantová agentura České republiky (The Czech Science Foundation), duration January 2024 to December 2026 as Co-PI, Amount 9.992 million Kč (414,262 Euro).
  2. Recipient of “Výzva č. 02_19_074 pro Mezinárodní mobilita výzkumných pracovníků MSCA IF III” grant 2019 from MŠMT Czech Republic, for the duration between October 2019 to September 2021, amount 3.209 million Kč.


Academic Awards and Fellowships

  1. Heyrovský Young Scientist: "From October 2024 onward, I hold the Heyrovský Young Scientist position at the Heyrovský Institute. The position is for five years and is part of a 'Career Development Scheme toward Heading a Department."
  2. DEA 2024 Early Career Researcher award: Given in Biennial conference of DEA club meeting.
  3. Received Otto Wichterle Award 2023. The award is given by the Czech Academy of Sciences to a selected young scientist under 35 years of age at the academy.
  4. Selected as Reviewer of the Year for the Journal of Physics B, as well as the IOP Outstanding Reviewer for the year 2023 and 2022, for reviewing research articles for the journal.
  5. Received IOP trusted reviewer certificate (Credential ID 43719267) for reviewing reserach article for IOP journals.
  6. Received Seal of excellence project certificate for the project submitted to Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship (MSCA IF) (with 89.6% score).
  7. IISER Kolkata’s international travel grant 2017 to attend ICPEAC XXX and POSMOL 2017 conferences at Queensland, Australia.
  8. Attended Commonwealth Science Conference 2017 at Singapore from 13-16 June 2017 as a nominated PhD student from India and received full travel support from The Royal Society.
  9. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) 2017.
  10. DST, Govt. of India funding to attend 66th Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting and DST-DFG post-Lindau tour to several German institutes.
  11. Best Poster Awards in “20th National Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics” from “Indian Society of Atomic and Molecular Physics”.
  12. Second Position in university at B. Sc. Honours examination.