I mainly work in the field of experimental molecular physics with the primary focus to study electron-induced reactions. I like to design new experimental setups to perform the experiments. Some of the experimental setups where I was/am actively involved in designing and making it work are mentioned below:
Re-circulating liquid micro-jet:
We started designing a high vacuum compatible liquid micro-jet as a part of my Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship (MSCA IF). The setup is now actively in use. The high-vacuum compatible, home-build, re-circulating liquid micro-jet source can work inside a high vacuum chamber (pressure of the order of better 10-4 mbar to 10-5 mbar range). Instead of freezing out the liquid inside the chamber it is collected out of the vacuum chamber and can be reused. The immediate goal is to study the effect of electron interaction in the solvated molecules. A newly designed electron gun is installed to perform different electron-induced experiments with liquid and solvated molecules. Details of the set-up can be found here [J. Phys. B. 56, 215201, (2023)].
Velocity map imaging setup at Prague:
During 2018-2019, we built a velocity map imaging (VMI) spectrometer to study low-energy electron-induced dissociation of gas-phased molecules via Dissociative Electron Attachment (DEA). The newly developed setup already resulted in several peer-reviewed articles and a few more manuscripts are in preparation. The setup consists of a trochoidal electron monochromator and an MCP-based delay line hexanoade position-sensitive detector. References: (i) Phys. Rev. A, 99, 052705 (2019); (ii) J. Chem. Phys., 152, 244304 (2020) ; (iii) Phys. Rev. A, 103, 032830 (2021); (iv) Eur. Phys. J. D, 75, 270, (2021); (v) Eur. Phys. J. D, 75, 230, (2021);
Absolute DEA cross-section setup @ Kolkata:
During my PhD studies, we designed, starting from scratch an experimental setup to measure the absolute dissociative electron attachment cross-section of different molecules, including relatively larger bio-molecules. Details of the setup can be found in Rev. Sci. Instrum., 82, 025115, (2018).
Velocity map imaging setup @ Kolkata:
As a part of my PhD thesis work, I designed a velocity map imaging spectrometer to study the dissociative electron attachment process. Details of the setup can be found in my PhD thesis.