
Název semináře Organizátor
2015 Materiály pro vysokoteplotní deNOx procesy
9.4. 2015 at 11:00 in room 11 (ground floor)
2015 Sol-Gel TiO2 Blocking Layers: Electrochemical Properties and Electrochemical Doping
27. 3. 2015 at 10:30 in room 108
2015 Zeolit a polymer - tenké vrstvy pomocí elektroforetické depozice
26. 3. 2015 at 11:00 in room 11 (ground floor)
2015 Prague Membrane Discussions
26.3.2015 at 10:00, in R. Brdička Lecture Hall
2015 Charakterizace radikálu pozorovaného během elektrochemické redukce FOX-7, který vykazuje AL efekt.
13.3.2015 at 10:30 in room 108
2015 Hierarchicky strukturované filmy oxidu zinečnatého
12.3.2015 at 11:00 in room 11 (ground floor)
2015 Vznik základních molekul RNA světa během bombardování planety Země mimozemskými tělesy. Syntéza biomakromolekul.
27.2.2015 at 10:30 in room 108
2015 Effect of the arrangement of Al in the synthesis gel on Al distribution in ZSM-5
26.2. 2015 at 11:00 in room 11 (ground floor)
2015 Redox switching of electronic circular dischroism of chiral helquats.
13.2.2015 at 10:30 in room 108
2015 Syntéza mikro-mezoporézních materiálů s definovanou strukturou
12.2.2015 at 11:00 in room 11 (ground floor)
2015 Combined silica sources to prepare preferentially oriented silicalite-1 layers on various supports
5.2. 2015 at 11:00 in room 11 (ground floor)
2015 How does your nanoporous crystal grow ?
29.1.2015 at 14:00 in room 108.
Prof. Michael W. Anderson (University of Manchester)
2015 Why Is the ADOR Process So Important ?
21.1.2015 at 14:00 in R. Brdička lecture hall
Russel E. Morris (University Saint Andrews, UK)
2015 Local structure of cationic sites in zeolites by 27Al MAS NMR of dehydrated zeolites
15.1.2015 at 11:00 in room 11 (ground floor)
2014 Al rich beta zeolites. Synthesis and application
17.12.2014 at 13:00 in room 11 (ground floor)
2014 Úskalí při uplatnění fotokatalýzy v praxi
12.12.2014 at 10:30 in room 108
Ing. Jan Procházka, Ph.D. (Advanced Materials-JTJ s.r.o. )
2014 Al distribution and cationic sites in TNU-9 zeolite
3.12.2014 at 14:00 in room 11 (ground floor)
2014 Thermodynamic Description and Modelling of Sorption and Capillary Condensation in Porous Systems
25.11.2014 at 14:00 in room 108
Jurgen Adolphs (POROTEC GmbH, Hofheim/Ts. Germany)
2014 Rotational spectroscopy on 1000 trapped ions and (related) using the ortho/para ratio of H2D+ to determine the age of young protostars
24.11. 2014 at 14:00 in room 108
Dr. Oskar Asvany ( I. Physikalisches Institut, Universitaet zu Koeln, Germany)
2014 Capacitance and potential of zero total charge (pztc) measurements on Au(100) in an ionic liquid, BMIPF6.
21.11.2014 at 10:30 in R. Brdička lecture hall
Prof. Tamás Pajkossy (Research Center for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary)
2014 Single-molecule live-cell imaging of membrane protein assembly and dynamics
21.11. at 9:30 in room 108
Dr. Max Ulbrich (BIOSS, Centre for Biological Signalling Studies University Freiburg, Germany)
2014 Li siting in ferrierites. 7Li MAS NMR study
19.11.2014 at 14:00 in room 11 (in ground floor )
2014 Modifikace polykrystalické zlaté elektrody thiolovaným kalix[4]arenem
11.11. v 11 hodin v m. 108
Bc. Vojtěch Hrdlička (student-diplomant z PřF UK v Praze)
2014 Excess Electrons in TiO2 Anatase and Rutile: Delocalized Solutions and Localized Small Polarons
7.11.2014 at 10.30 in room 108
Dr. Martin Setvín (Institute of Applied Physics, TU Vienna, Austria)
2014 Program přednášek a exkursí v rámci Dnů otevřených dveří ÚFCH JH
6. a 7.11.2014 8:30-17 hodin