Upgrade and modernization of LRI Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for protection of the environment and sustainable future
The main objective of the project is to modernize and upgrade the large research infrastructure (LRI) NanoEnviCz through the acquisition of new experimental equipment and the modernization of existing laboratory equipment and instruments that are provided as part of the services offered to users of the LRI. Thanks to this modernization, the portfolio will be expanded to include new and unique services, especially in the area of applications of nanostructured materials in environmental protection (including human health), and at the same time, the existing base of the most used devices providing rapidly available structural and surface characterization of nanomaterials will be preserved and modernized. In accordance with the Conceptual Development Plan of the LRI NanoEnviCz and based on the results of the User Needs Analysis, 17 investments will be acquired. The purchase of the new investments will result in improvement of the quality of the provided services thus maintaining the competitiveness of the offered services portfolio on a national and international level. Improving the quality of services and increasing capacities will further increase the number of users and, at the same time, expand the user base, including users from the industrial and private sectors.
doc. RNDr. Ing. Kalbáč Martin Ph.D., DSc.