Internal Reporting System

J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS (HIPC) in connection with the effectivity of Act. No. 171/2023 Coll. (on the protection of whistleblowers, hereinafter referred to as „act “) activates an internal reporting system as of August 2023, through which it is possible to report possible illegal acts (such as violation of a legal regulation, suspected commission of a crime etc.) in areas listed in the act, which you will encounter in your activities at HIPC.

HIPC further informs that, in accordance with the law, it does not accept notifications from persons who do not perform or have not performed work or other similar activities for it according to the criteria defined by the act, and it also considers notifications for which the identity of the whistleblower is protected.

Ways of announcement:

  • In writing via the electronic internal reporting application

An electronic notification platform is a secure application for written communication between the whistleblower and the authorised person.

Access to the internal reporting system

  • In writing via email

Notifications via secure email are sent to a designated email address accessible to the authorised person.


  • In writing in paper form

In a sealed envelope marked DO NOT OPEN 271379496 can be sent by post to Dolejskova 2155/3, 182 23 Prague 8.

  • Oral submission

Call the secure phone number below by entering the code 271379496 and pressing the hash key.

Tel.: +420 239 050 505

  • Personal submission

If the whistleblower requests, the authorised person is obliged to receive the report in person within a reasonable period but no later than 14 days.

For more information on how to submit a notification through the internal reporting system and to access the relevant internal application, please follow the links below:

Access to the internal reporting system

Information about the reported announcement (for communication with the authorised person)

Authorised persons:

Mgr. Nosek Tomáš LL.M

Ing. Zuzana Musilová, Ph.D.

Phone number: +420 239 050 505


Postal address: Dolejškova 2155/3, 182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň.

Potential unlawful actions may also be reported to the Czech Ministry of Justice (orally, by phone, in written form or personally and also through a link: Chci podat oznámení – veřejnost – Oznamovatel (

Zákon č. 171/2023 Sb. Zákon o ochraně oznamovatelů

Principles of Personal Data Processing Policy