Collaboration opportunities
J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry offers the following forms of collaboration with the corporate sector:
1. Service providing
Type of a request for analysis, expert opinion, consultation that does not create any new R&D result.
2. Contract research
In this form of collaboration, only the staff of the Institute is involved in the creation of the ordered intellectual property. Rights to use the outcomes are held by the business subject that requested the research.
3. Research collaboration
In this form of collaboration, both sides actively participate in the development of the expected intellectual property. The generated intellectual property is owned in common shares according to the involvement of the subjects.
4. Knowledge transfer
In this form of collaboration, only the current intellectual property of the Institute is utilized. This intellectual property originated from a number of scientific research projects. Due to its high application potential it is protected and managed by the Institute. The most frequent form is licensing of use. Licensing does not cover only industrial property such as a patent or utility model. Intellectual property of our Institute includes also classified know-how. Existing know-how without any prior contribution of the commercial partner, or a contract research follow-up activity can be licensed, respectively.
Licensing is the most cost-efficient way to gain access to unique technologies that can increase the competitiveness and profitability of our partners. You can find a list of our patents and utility models here.
Our Institute is also open to creating of joint spin-off companies based on our know-how to provide access to our intellectual property to the business sphere. This system has been recently emerged as very efficient way for commercialization of the intellectual property.
The Institute has long-time cooperation with a number of companies and institutions having concluded Memoranda of Cooperation with them. Examples of these partners are listed here.