Lukasz Cwiklik
Lukasz Cwiklik (he/him), 44 years old, married, one child (7 yo). I have created and am leading a research group studying biological interfaces such as lung surfactant, tear film, surfaces of implants. We investigate how they work, how they behave during disease, and how they interact with drugs. My research is interdisciplinary (physical chemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, pharmacology); we use experimental and computational methods and actively collaborate with various groups worldwide, including industrial partners.
My team currently has eight members at various career stages; the group is international (75% foreigners). I promote excellence, fairness, and gender equality in science. I am the youngest professor working at the Institute; I also teach courses at Charles University. I came to the Czech Republic from abroad; I also spent several years working in different countries (Israel, Finland, Poland).
Why I decided to become a mentor
I want to share my experience navigating a scientific career, dealing with uncertainties, and having fun doing science.
Candidate requirements
Student, ESR, postdoc, young scientist
Areas of possible mentoring
How to apply for a grant; how to write a good publication; how to start a team; how to lead your research group; how to begin international collaboration; how to efficiently use grant funds
What can you expect from me in mentoring?
Talk, consultation, trying to find a solution to your issues based on my experience at different scientific career stages
Face-to-face meeting; online meeting; once a month or every two weeks
We will communicate in
Czech, English, Polish