Technology Transfer at Heyrovský Institute
Technology transfer center/office (TTC/TTO) at the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS, v.v.i. was established in 2020 thanks to the financial support of the project “Rozvoj kapacit ÚFCH JH, v.v.i. pro výzkum a vývoj II - CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_054/0014591“ as a part of the operational program „Věda, Výzkum, Vzdělávání“.
TTC is engaged in support of the collaboration of the Institute and the business sector in order to link the research and technological potential of the Institute and the requirements of the industry. The Center for Technology Transfer is also responsible for the management of the Institute's intellectual property.
TTC is contact point for those
- who are interested in collaboration with the Institute in research activities and projects
- who are interested in a patent database and other technologies/knowledge available for licensing
- who want to develop and move their projects forward in collaboration with our leading experts in the field
- who are looking for partners to support their contracts and specific R&D needs
- who are looking for expert consultation opportunities
Our TTC is a member of TRANSFERA.CZ which brings together most of the top technology transfer centers in the Czech Republic.