Dynamic organisation of membrane proteins involved in human immune response to viral and bacterial infections
Deadline: Open until occupied
Post-doc position available: Dynamic organisation of membrane proteins involved in human immune response to viral and bacterial infections
We are looking for an enthusiastic scientist interested in function of biological membranes with a special focus on protein behaviour in complex lipid bilayers. We expect that the applicant has experience in purification and handling of proteins. Purified proteins will be reconstituted in well-defined membranes and studied using advanced fluorescence techniques.
Position starts: January 1, 2021 (or before)
Duration of the job: ≥ 3 years
Contract type: full-time position
Salary: 50.000 CZK (~2000 EUR)
Job description: The position is open in the field of membrane protein biochemistry and biophysics at the Department of Biophysical Chemistry. It will be part of the ongoing EXPRO research project: Concert of lipids, Ions, and Proteins in Cell Membrane Dynamics and Function (2019-2023; Prof. Martin Hof, Dr. Marek Cebecauer; Dr. Piotr Jurkiewicz). The studies will be focused on understanding of dynamic protein organisation in complex membrane lipid environment with a special focus on the impact of posttranslational protein modifications and natural ions on studied structures. These studies require protein production and purification, development of new labelling strategies and characterisation of proteins in membranes using advanced fluorescence methods. The methods will include single molecule fluorescence techniques (e.g. particle tracking), energy transfer (FRET) and current methods based on fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). If needed, super-resolution microscopy and imaging fluctuation techniques will be employed to resolve nanoscopic organisation of molecules. We believe that understanding basic mechanisms responsible for dynamic protein organisation on immune cells will help to develop more appropriate cure of diverse diseases.
The selected researcher is expected to master production and labelling of proteins and, at later stages, to characterise their behaviour in membranes using the methods mentioned above. The selected researcher is also expected to be involved in the development or adaptation of methods for sample preparation and characterisation. We offer a friendly atmosphere in the lab, the state-of-the-art instruments and attractive research topics.
- PhD degree in biochemistry or related fields
- Experience in protein production and handling (critical)
- Experience in fluorescence techniques is welcome (not required)
- Advanced level of written and spoken English
- Competencies necessary for the team-work.
We offer:
- Work in a young and dynamic team
- Flexible working hours and a number of social benefits
- World-wide top-level expertise and excellent instrumentation for characterisation of biological samples using fluorescent techniques
Individuals interested in the position should send an e-mail with motivation letter, CV, list of publications, and names plus e-mail addresses of 1 - 2 references.
For more information concerning the job position, please contact Dr. Marek Cebecauer (marek.cebecauerjh-inst.cas.cz) or Piotr Jurkiewicz (piotr.jurkiewicz