NanoCAT Summer School: Scientific Excellence in Nano-Catalysis
The 2nd NanoCAT Summer School in 2024, part of the "Scientific Excellence in Nano-CATalysis at the Heyrovský Institute" project, supported under the new Horizon Europe programme will be held in Prague from July 22 to July 24, 2024.
About the Project: The 3-year's NanoCAT project coordinated by the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry (JHIPC) aims, in line with the objectives of the call, by collaborating with colleagues at Vienna University of Technology and Ulm University, at the enhancement of skills and capacity mainly at the JHIPC. Project's key activities are focused on acquiring all the necessary skills and include training courses, knowledge exchange visits, and summer schools, of which this 2nd NanoCAT Summer school is a prominent example. Over all, training is an essential component of the project. It focuses on developing skills of the next generation of researchers through joint collaborative projects, based on the complementarity of equipment, methods and scientific expertise, and other knowledge building activities within the consortium, to advance their research capacities and capabilities. Thus, the project strengthens the human base in nanocatalysis, which is mutually beneficial for JHIPC, but also for the partner institutions.
Participants: mainly project team members but also graduate students, post-docs, young researchers and all other interested scientists from all three project partners.
Confirmed lecturers:
• HASSEL Achim Walter - Univesity Linz, Austria
• HEARD Christopher - Charles University Prague, Czechia
• HEIZ Ulrich - Technical University of Munich, Germany
• HENRY Claude - CINaM-CNRS-Aix-Marseille Université, France
• HUTTEL Yves - ICMM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
• JACOB Timo - Ulm University, Germany
• LEI Yu - University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA
• LIBUDA Jörg - University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
• PACCHIONI Gianfranco - University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
• PARKINSON Gareth - Technical University of Vienna, Austria
• PAVELEC Jiří - Technical University of Vienna, Austria
• RIVA Michele - Technical University of Vienna, Austria
• SETVÍN Martin - Charles University Prague, Czechia
• TIMOSHENKO Janis - Fritz-Haber-Institute of the MPG, Germany
• VILÉ Gianvito – Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
• WILLINGER Marc - Technical University of Munich, Germany
Posters Session: Participants will have the opportunity to present their research posters. The best poster will be awarded.
Venue: Brdička Lecture Hall, J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry CAS
Address: Dolejškova 2155/3, 182 23 Prague 8, Czech Republic (take metro line C to the station
Registration:, registration possible until July 15 (For questions or additional information, please contact the: nanocat or visit our project website.
Registration fee: participation at the NanoCAT summer school is free of charge. But is limited by the number of seats, priority is given to those who will present posters. Abstracts should be sent to the registration email.
We look forward to welcoming you to Prague for this enriching scientific event. Together, let's advance the field of nanocatalysis and support young researchers in their academic and professional journeys.