Název semináře | Organizátor | |
2013 | Charakterizace elektrochemické redukce grafen oxidu za využití spektroelektrochemických metod 8.2. at 10:30 in room 108 |
RNDr. BOUŠA Milan Ph.D. |
2013 | Presentation III/2013 of PGS students from Department of Synthesis and Catalysis 5.2.2013 at 13:30 in R. Brdička lecture hall |
Ing. FRIDRICHOVÁ Adéla Mgr. PASTVA Jakub Ph.D. M. Tech. SHINDE Tushar |
2013 | Gene transfer from lipidic supramolecular assemblies 5.2.2013 at 15.00 in room 11. Nathalie Mignet (Université Paris Descartes, CNRS, France) |
2013 | Evaluation and Perspectives of Metal-Organic Frameworks in Catalysis - A balanced review 30.1.2013 at 10:00 in room 108 David Farrusseng (IRCE Lyon) |
2013 | Linear optical quantum information processing: Recent experiments in Olomouc 28.1.2013 at 14:00 in room 108 Miloslav Dušek (Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc) |
2013 | FOX-7: mechanismus elektrochemicky iniciovaného rozkladu. 25.1.2013 at 10.30 in room 108 |
Mgr. Šimková Ludmila Ph.D. |
2013 | Presentation II/2013 of PGS students from Department of Synthesis and Catalysis 22.1.2013 at 13:30 in room 108 |
Mgr. ELIÁŠOVÁ Pavla Ph.D. Ing. HAVLÍK Aleš |
2013 | Presentation I/2013 of PGS students from Department of Synthesis and Catalysis 15.1.2013 at 13:30 in 108 room |
Mgr. MAZUR Michal Ph.D. Ing. PŘECH Jan Ph.D. |
2013 | Spontaneous Adsorption of Cobalt Phthalocyanine Derivative on Graphite. The In-situ EPR Study. Towards EPR Monitoring of Adsorption Processes on Graphene 11.1. 2013 at 10:30 in room 108 Jan Tarábek (ÚOCHB AV ČR, |
2012 | Aerobic Oxidations Using MOFs as Catalysts 13.12.2012 at 9:00 in room 108 Hermenegildo Garcia (University of Valencia). |
2012 | Molecular dynamics simulations of alkane conversions catalyzed by acidic zeolites 11.12.2012 at 14:30 in R. Brdička lecture hall Tomas Bucko (Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia) |
2012 | Hamiltonian complexity and quantum computing 10.12. 2012 at 14.30 in room 108. Daniel Nagaj (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences) |
2012 | Elektrochémia potenciálnych MRI komplexov európia. 23.11.2012 at 10:30 in room 108 |
RNDr. GÁL Miroslav Ph.D. |
2012 | Role of nitric acid in atmospheric aerosol nucleation: mass spectrometric study in molecular beam 19.11.2012 at 14:00 in room 108 |
Ing. LENGYEL Jozef Ph.D. |
2012 | Fluorescence localization microscopy - the transition from concept to biological research tool 15.11. 2012 at 14:00 in room 108 (change of room !!!!) Markus Sauer (Biotechnology & Biophysics, Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, Germany) |
2012 | Hmotnostní spektrometrie jako nástroj pro hledání těkavých biomarkerů bakteriálních plicních infekcí 5.11. 2012 at 14:00 in room 108 |
Mgr. SHESTIVSKA Violetta Ph.D. |
2012 | Elektroda modifikovaná derivátem ftalocyaninu pro stanovení sirných sloučenin. 26.10.2012 at 10:30 in room 108 |
Mgr. Zlámalová Magda |
2012 | Multireference equation of Motion coupled cluster method with applications to molecular spectroscopy 22.10.2012 at 14:00 in room 108 Marcel Nooijen (University of Waterloo, Canada) |
2012 | Copper and Gold catalysts for selective hydrogenation and oxidation reactions 16.10.2012 at 13:30 in room 108 María Alicia Volpe (Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química, PLAPIQUI, Bahia Blanca Argentina) |
2012 | Sorption, transport, and catalytic transformations of hydrocarbons in microporous materials 15.10.2012 at 14:00 in Rudolf Brdička lecture hall, JHI Johannes A. Lercher (TU München, Department of Chemistry, Garching, Germany) |
2012 | Electrocatalytic and Surface Morphology Effects on Carbon Supports for Li-O2 Batteries 27.8.2012 at 14:00 in room 108 Jakub S. Jirkovský (Material Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, USA) |
2012 | USING ZEOLITE STRUCTURE INFORMATION TO IMPROVE SYNTHESIS AND CATALYSIS 10.8.2012 at 10:00 in room 108 Karl G. Strohmaier (ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Corp., Clinton, New Jersey) |
2012 | Climate Change, Biomass Energy, and Organic Radicals 24.7.2012 at 14:00 in room 108 Barney Ellison (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA) |
2012 | Photophysics of Protochlorophyllide a and Photodriven Enzymatic Reaction to Chlorphyllide a 12.7.2012 at 10:00 in room 108 Prof. Benjamin Dietzek (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Jena University) |
2012 | Glimpses of Chemical Wizardry 29.6.2012 at 10:30 in R.Brdička lecture hall Dudley R. Herschbach - <font color="red">Nobel Prize 1986 </font color="red">(Harvard University, Cambridge, USA) |