2017 |
1+1=3? Gaseous nanobubble as hidden 3rd phase at solid-liquid interface 3.3.2017 at 10:30 in room 108 |
Ing. Janda Pavel CSc. |
2017 |
Arc Modeling Challenges 20.2.2017 at 14:00 in room 108 Venkat R. Narayanan (Eaton European Innovation Center, Roztoky u Prahy) |
2017 |
Modelování speciace vodných systémů programem PHREEQC 17.2.2017 v 10:30 v posluchárně 108 (1.patro) |
RNDr. Liška Alan Ph.D. |
2017 |
Photochemical Synthesis of Methane and Carbon Monoxide from Carbon Dioxide and Formation of Nucleic Bases on early Mars and Earth 3.2.2017 at 10:30 in room 108 |
prof. RNDr. Civiš Svatopluk CSc., DSc. |
2017 |
What do neon cluster have to do with cancer treatment 1.2.2017 at 14:00 in room 108 Anita Ribar (PGS student, University in Innsbruck) |
2017 |
Voltametrické a amperometrické stanovení kyseliny homovanilové jako biomarkeru neuroblastomu 30.1.2017 v 10:00 v m. 108 |
RNDr. Němečková Anna Ph.D. |
2017 |
Recent Advances in Operando IR Spectroscopy of Adsorbed Species 27.1.2017 at 14:00 in room 108 Arnaud Travert (Laboratoire Catalyse at Spectrochimie, Caen, France) |
2017 |
Syntéza zeolitů SSZ-13 s různou distribucí hliníku 24.1.2017 at 14:00 in room 011 (ground floor) |
PASHKOVA Veronika Ph.D. |
2017 |
Photochemical Reaction Dynamics in the Service of Atmospheric Chemistry: How the Study of Fundamental Reaction Mechanisms Can Solve Deficiencies in Atmospheric Models. 24.1.2017 at 14:00 in room 108 Scott Kable (University of New South Wales, Australia), |
2017 |
Charge transport through tetraphenylmethane based molecular towers 20.1.2017 at 10:30 in room 108 |
RNDr. Kolivoška Viliam Ph.D., MBA |
2017 |
Recent Advances in Borane-Based Luminiscence Materials 12.1.2017 at 14:00 in room 108 Michael G. L. Londesborough (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry CAS, Řež) |
2017 |
New synthesis approaches for enhancement of accessibility of acid sites in hierarchical zeolites for isomerization of n-hexane 10.1.2017 at 14:00 in room 011 (ground floor) |
Ing. Kaucký Dalibor Ph.D. |
2016 |
Nové vysoce stabilní katalyzátory pro eliminaci emisí N2O z výroby kyseliny dusičné 20.12.2016 at 14:00 in room 011 (ground floor) |
Ing. Sádovská Galina Ph.D. |
2016 |
Jaroslav Heyrovský, objevitel a vědec 6.12.2016 od 17 hod. posluchárna CH2 PřF UK, Hlavova 8, Praha 2 |
Ing. Stejskalová Květoslava CSc. |
2016 |
3D-graphene-based materials as a conceptually new class of heterogeneous catalysts 6.12.2016 at 14:00 in room 011 (ground floor) |
Ing. Pastvová Jana Ph.D. |
2016 |
A magnetic storage ring for atoms and total cross section measurements 5.12.2016 at 14:00 in room 108 |
ZAWADZKI Mateusz Ernest |
2016 |
Nanoporous materials - from fundamental synthesis to applications in medicine 5.12.2016 at 15:00 room CH2, Faculty of Sciences (Hlavova 8) prof. Russell E. Morris (University St. Andrews) |
2016 |
Effectiveness of a novel consolidant on sedimentary rocks 22.11.2016 at 14:00 in room 011 (ground floor) |
Mgr. Remzová Monika Ph.D., Dis. |
2016 |
Zeolite Synthesis: Past, Present and Future. 27.10.2016 at 9:00 in room 108 Mark. E. Davis (California Institute of Technology USA) |
2016 |
NMR crystallography of extra-framework cations in silicon-rich zeolites 25.10.2016 at 14:00 in room 011 (ground floor) |
Ing. KLEIN Petr |
2016 |
Alchymie cizích světů 18. 10. 2016 od 17 hodin - v posl. CH2, Přf UK - Hlavova 8. |
RNDr. Ferus Martin Ph.D. |
2016 |
Chemická evoluce života v pekle rané Země 11. 10 2016 od 15 hodin v budově AVČR v m. 205 a 206. |
RNDr. Ferus Martin Ph.D. |
2016 |
Al-rich beta zeolite: Stability in hot liquid water and activity in cellulose degradation 11. 10. 2016 at 14:00 in room 011 (ground floor) |
Mlekodaj Kinga Patrycja Ph.D. |
2016 |
Fluorous Ruthenium Complexes for Alkene Metathesis. Synthesis, Catalytic Activity, Stability, Stereoselectivity and Recycling. 10.10.2016 at 14 :00 in room 108. professor Jaroslav Kvíčala (University of Chemistry and Technology Prague) |
2016 |
Interaction of light and matter at the nanoscale: the role of surface plasmons in subwavelength transmissionand hyperbolic metamaterials 6.10.2016 at 15.00 at room 108 Professor John Weiner (University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France) |