Atmospheric spectroscopy - from laboratory to satellite

Grant Agency
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Molecular Spectroscopy and Photochemistry.
Year from
Year to
Atmospheric spectroscopy with emphasis on key role of H2O in the atmosphere is the main topic of the proposed project. In the focus of our planned aims will be the quality of observational techniques, and how to improve them. This will involve intercomparison exercises and laboratory studies for in-situ techniques, and validation of satellite measurements. We plan laboratory spectroscopic measurements, that are crucial for improving of in-situ data above all from satellite measurements.

key words: atmospheric spectroscopy, satellite measurements, atmospheric water vapour, line shapes, monitoring of atmospheric molecules, ODIN, MIPAS.

COST domain: ESSEM - Earth System Science and Environmental Management
COST action: Atmospheric WAter VApour in Climate System (WaVaCS)