Dynamicss of Solvated Electrons in Molecular Clusters: Experimental and Theoretical Approach
Grant Agency
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Molecular Spectroscopy and Photochemistry.
Year from
Year to
Abstract: Solvated electrons are important in radiation chemistry, physics and biology of aqueous systems. The recent interest has been motivated by the key role, which they are proposed to play in atmosphericchemistry of ozone depletion, as well as in DNA radiation damage. In thisproject experimental and theoretical investigations of the dynamics and reactions of solvated electrons in clusters and nanoparticles are proposed. In a molecular beam experiment free clusters with solvated electrons will be produced and probed by UV radiation and various mass spectrometric methods. Solvated electrons in water and other solvent clusters will be investigated. Further, these species will be doped by atmospheric pollutants, e.g. freons, and theirre actions with the solvated electrons will be studied, mimicking the real atmospheric particles in the laboratory. Generation and reactivity of solvated electrons will be studied by means of state-of-the-art theoretical methods, closely following the experimental progress.
doc. Mgr. Fárník Michal Ph.D., DSc.

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+420 26605 3206