Integrated design of catalytic nanomaterials for a sustainable production.

Grant Agency
European Commission
Synthesis and Reactivity of Catalytic Materials.
Year from
Year to
Overview and Objectives:
The development of high-performance and conceptually innovative catalytic nanomaterials is crucial for industry and for Europe sustainable future. In Europe, several excellent research teams exist in catalysis, but there is a significant fragmentation in the area due to separate scientific communities (heterogeneous, homogeneous, and bio-catalysis) and a lack of thematic identity.

IDECAT Network of Excellence will address this fragmentation, creating a coherent framework of research, know-how and training between the various catalysis communities (heterogeneous, homogeneous, bio-catalysis) with the objective of achieving a lasting integration between the main European Institutions in the area. IDECAT integrates into a more general strategy of restructuring/reshaping the catalysis research in Europe and focuses its research actions on

    i. Synthesis and mastering of nano-objects, the materials of the future for catalysis, integrating the concepts common also to other nanotechnologies.
    ii. Bridging the gap between theory and modelling, surface science, and kinetic\applied catalysis as well as between heterogeneous, homogeneous and biocatalytic approaches.
    iii. Integrated design of catalytic nanomaterials.

Objectives of IDECAT are to
    1. create a critical mass of expertise going beyond collaboration,
    2. create a strong cultural thematic identity on nano-tech based catalysts,
    3. increase cost-effectiveness of European research,
    4. establish a frontier research portfolio able to promote innovation in catalysis use especially at the SMEs level, and
    5. increase potential for training and education in multidisciplinary approaches to nano-tech based catalysis, and
    6. spreading excellence beyond the NoE to both the scientific community and to the citizen.

Final objective of IDECAT is the creation of an European Research Institute of Catalysis (ERIC) which offers to companies and public sponsors the possibility to realize top level project in the field of catalysis and catalytic functional materials using the unique and integrated research facilities and competence of ERIC.

The structure of IDECAT is based on a group of 37 laboratories from 17 Institutions, gathering over 500 researchers with a broad multidisciplinary expertise covering most of the aspects of catalysis (heterogeneous, homogeneous and bio-catalysis).