Microwave spectroscopy of nitrogen and halogen atmospheric components with significant hyperfine structure of rotational levels.

Grant Agency
Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Molecular Spectroscopy and Photochemistry.
Year from
Year to
Rotational spectra of important atmospheric molecules will be analysed with an aim do obtain the detailed data on spectral lineshapes whose improvements are required for the remote sensing determination of molecular concentrations in upper atmospheric layers. In cases of certain atmospheric molecules (like NyOx, COC12 etc.), the lineprofiles are not yet sufficiently described since they are distorted by hyperfine structures that are caused by nuclei with spins bigger then 1/2 (e.g. nitrogen, halogens etc.). The required hyperfine spectra will be measured using the new mm-wave spectrometer recently built in our laboratory. Subsequent theoretical analyses of the measured spectra will provide extremely precise hyperfine parameters making possible the detailed lineshape simulation required. The research in this direction is accelerated by the global climatechanges, an alarming reduction of the ozone layer, the increasing amount of the greenhouse gases and will be linked to the EU programs.