Organized materials for highly selective catalytic and separation processes.

Grant Agency
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Synthesis and Reactivity of Catalytic Materials.
Year from
Year to
The proposed project is focused on preparation, structural and functional characterisation and on practical utilisation of special organised materials for catalytic and separation purposes. The major focus of the proposed project will be to establish a wide research group involving mostly PhD students and profiting of the cooperation and know how of the applicant`s and coapplicants` groups in the research areas covered by the topic of the proposal. The team consortium is capable of a complex scientific research initially comprising synthesis of catalytic and separation structures, also by methods of nanotechnologies and nanoengineering. In this respect the state-of-the-art of the variable structures preparation could be forseen. The structural and functional characterisation of the processed materials would be of primary importance, especially in light of the design of their potential applications.