
2011 DFT, micro-kinetic, and mass-spectrometry study of isotope exchange of Fe extra-framework oxygen atoms in the N2O decomposition on Fe-ferrierite
16.2.2011 at 11:00 in room 11
2011 Elektrochemické dopování grafenu a uhlíkových nanotrubiček
4.2.2011 at 10:30 in room 108
2011 N2O decomposition over Fe-ferrierite: A Mösbauer study of the active sites.
2.2.2011 at 11:00 in room 11
2011 The free-will theorem and other misteries of quantum mechanics that did not make it to the textbooks yet
31.1.2011 at 14:00 in room 108
2011 Úspěchy a problémy teorie velkého třesku
24.1. 2011 od 15 hodin v přednáškovém sále
RNDr. Jiří Grygar, CSc. (FZÚ AV ČR)
2011 Katalytické a redoxní vlastnosti papainu modifikovaného organometalickými fragmenty
21.1.2010 at 10:30 in room 108
2011 Nové jevy při elektroforetické depozici zeolitových krystalů
19.1.2011 at 14:00 in room 11
2011 Vibračně rotační dynamika Isokyanidu očima vysoce rozlišené spektroskopie
10.1.2011 at 14:00 in room 108
2010 Symetria vo vesmíre a na Zemi v chémii a fyzike
20.12.2010 at 14:00 in room 108
Anton Repko (Katedra anorganické chemie, PřF UK)
2010 Synthesis, Design and Advanced Structural Characterization of High Performance Inorganic Materials
17.12.2010 at 10:30 in room 108
2010 Graphene under uniaxial strain. A Raman Study
10.12.2010 at 10:30 in Brdička lecture hall
2010 Časově rozlišená infračervená emisní spektroskopie s Fourierovou transformací: Aplikace v pulzních výbojích a laserové ablaci kovů
6.12.2010 at 14:00 in room 108
2010 Quantum Chemical Interpretation of Spectroelectrochemical Properties of Ruthenium Complexes with Redox Active Ligands
3.12.2010 at 10:30 in room 108
2010 Elektrochemie halogenovaných hydroxybenzonitrilů
26.11.2010 at 10:30 in room 108
2010 Novel Approaches to Expanding Zeolite Pores Sizes and Dimensions
23.11.2010 at 14:30 in Brdička lecture hall
Wieslaw J. Roth (Visiting Researcher of the J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry)
2010 Ab-initio calculations for soft matter: a successful combination of the solid-state NMR experiment and Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics simulations
22.11.2010 at 13:00 in room 108
Dmytro V. Dudenko (Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz,Germany)
2010 A one-step route to solid-state devices with ionic liquids properties
12.11.2010 at 10:30 in room 108
Jean Le Bideau (Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel, CNRS – Université de Nantes)
2010 Katalytická deoxygenace obnovitelných surovin - "klíč k moderní chemii"
26.10.2010 at 14:00 in room 108
D. Kubička (VÚAnCh, Ústí nad Labem)
2010 Nanočástice aneb molekulový pohled na chemii a fyziku
20.10.2010 at 11:00 in Brdička lecture hall
2010 Discovery and development of new chemistry at the inorganic surfactant interface - industrial perspective on progressing of mesoporous materials
12.10.2010 at 14:00 in room 108
W.J. Roth (Materials Consulting, USA)
2010 Charge transport at the nanoscale
4.10.2010 at 14:30 in Brdička lecture hall
Tim Albrecht (Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London )
2010 Li-ion current microscopy with 10-nm resolution
24.9.2010 at 10:30 in room 108
Sergei Kalinin (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
2010 Development of adsorbents and adsorption processes for CO2 capture
15.9.2010 at 10:00 in room 108
G. Pirngruber (IFP, Francie)
2010 Reconstitution of transport vesicle formation: Membrane curvature and fission
9.8.2010 at 11:00 in room 108
Kirsten Bacia (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg)
2010 Heteroelements in Layered and Zeolitic Silicates: Examples and Synthetic Strategies
2.7.2010 at 10:00 in room 108
Heloise de Oliveira Pastore (University of Campinas, Brazil)