
2010 Nové adsorbenty pro separaci CO2
17.3.2010 at 14:00 in room 108
2010 Al distribution in zeolite framework - a key parameter controling the structure and properties of metal ion species.
17.3.2010 at 10:00 in room 108
2010 Samopřiřazovací spektroskopie metanu v oblasti ikosády
15.3. at 14:00 in room 108
2010 Spektroelektrochemický výzkum interakce kovových center v dvojjaderných ruthenium acetylacetonátových komplexech
12.3.2010 at 10:30 in room 108
2010 Mesoporous Nanoparticle-based Catalysts for Biofuel Production
8.3.2010 at 14:00 in room 108
Victor S.-Y. Lin (Iowa State University, USA)
2010 Investigation of acidity using FTIR spectroscopy
4.3.2010 at 9:00 in room 108
Barbara Gil (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
2010 Novel applications of metal-geopolymers
3.3.2010 at 10:00 in room 108
O. Bortnovsky (VÚAnCh Ústí n.L.)
2010 Elektrokatalýza redukce kyslíku na polarizovaných kapalných rozhraních
26.2.2010 at 10:30 in room 11
2010 Dopování separovaných dvojstěnných uhlíkových nanotub
26.2.2010 at 10:30 in room 108
2010 Feigenbaumova teorie chaosu a polarografické proudy
12.2.2010 at 10:30 in room 108
2010 Multifrequency - domain lifetime data analysis using phasor plot approach
5.2.2010 at 10:00 in room 108
2010 Příprava hustých TiO2 vrstev na skleněných a křemíkových substrátech
29.1.2009 at 10:30 in room 108
2010 High-throughput investigations for the discovery of new MOFs and their synthesis optimisation
22.1.2010 at 14:00 in room 108
Norbert Stock (University of Kiel)
2009 Intraprotein dynamics: local electric fields, structural dynamics and energy transfer
17.12. at 14:30 in hall
Majed Chergui (Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Ultrarapide, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
2009 Geometric phase effects in small clusters spectroscopy and dynamical processes
14.12.2009 at 16:00 in room 108
Bruno Lepetit (IRSAMC, University of Toulouse)
2009 Zeolitic materials with both crystalline and amorphous features
10.12.2009 at 10:00 in room 108
D. Serrano (Juan Carlos University, Mostoles)
2009 Ultrafast photoelectron spectroscopy near liquid water interfaces: The solvated electron
7.12.2009 at 10:30 in room 108
Katrin R. Siefermann (Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität Göttingen)
2009 Fundamentals of the Oxygen Reduction Reaction
27.11.2009 at 10:30 in Brdička hall
Timo Jacob (Institut für Elektrochemie, Universität Ulm,Germany)
2009 Mass spectrometry investigation of flavour of traditional dry fermented Spanish sausages. Influence of fat content and ripening time
25.11.2009 at 13:30 in seminary room 11 (ground floor)
Alicia Olivares Sevilla (Institute of agrochemical and food technology. Spanish National Research Council (IATA-CSIC))
2009 NMR The best friend of synthetic chemist
25.11.2009 at 14:00 in room 108
2009 Z cyklu Astrochemie... - dnes na téma Sluneční soustava
4.11.2009 od 15:15 v Brdičkově posluchárně
Antonín Vítek (AV ČR)
2009 H Atom migration in C2H3+
2.11.2009 at 16:00 in room 108
Jon T. Hougen (NIST, USA)
2009 Structure and reactivity of amidotin compounds
27.10.2009 at 10:00 in room 108
2009 Results and experience from Inha University
27.10.2009 at 10:30 in room 108
2009 TiO2-derived nanomaterials: Synthesis, microstructure and energy-related applications
23.10.2009 at 10:30 in room 108
Yoshikazu Suzuki (Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Japan)