J. Heyrovsky young scientist Dr. Golam Haider obtained a group leader position at the Leibniz Institute
On 30th June this year, Dr. Haider Golam, holder of the J. Heyrovský young scientist position, is leaving our Institute. He is joining the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW), Dresden as a junior group leader. It is unfortunate that Haider is leaving the Institute, but at the same time, we are very happy and proud of this great success of our colleague. It symbolizes scientific excellence and cutting-edge scientific activities of the researchers at our Institute. We wish colleague Haider Golam a very successful research career from the bottom of our hearts. As scientists at this Institute, it also, unfortunately, symbolizes a new starting of brain drain, which calls for the reconsideration of research funding policies and long-term commitments with scientists, including foreign scientists, where at the current stage, we have no chance to compete with foreign institutes such as Leibniz, Helmholtz or Max-Plank. Without a proper amendment, the cases of departures of excellent scientists for financial reasons may become more and more frequent.
Haider Golam has been working at our Institute since 2018 in the department of low-dimensional systems. He has ventured into many fields at the Heyrovsky Institute, including quantum optics, magneto-optics, optoelectronics, and spectro-electrochemistry. His research achievements were recognized by Otto Wichterle Award in 2021 and many top-notch journal publications. Haider has significantly contributed to developing several unique infrastructures at the Heyrovsky Institute that never existed in the world before, for example, a system for designing two-dimensional composites in a highly controlled atmosphere.
At IFW Dresden, Haider will continue working on 2D technology with a long-term aim of industrialization of 2D technology. Haider is keen to continue working with our Institute by establishing a long-term collaboration commitment between IFW Dresden and Heyrovsky Institute.
“We have established the J. Heyrovský young scientist position in 2017 for giving our best scientists younger than 35 years a solid ground to develop their scientific carrier at our Institute. However, even we go to the border of our financial possibilities, our salaries are non-competetive on an international scale, which makes our best young scientists leaving the Institute. On one hand, I am very happy for Haider, on the other hand it shows that even our best efforts were not good enough to convince him to continue his very promising carrier at the J. Heyrovsky Institute. Nevertheless, I thank Haider for all the great science he did with us and I do hope that he will in the future collaborate with our Institute,” says Prof. Martin Hof, director of J. Heyrovský Institute.
We wish Haider Golam every success in his new position and hope that the collaboration between our institutes will continue.