Synthesis of fine chemicals via heterogeneous catalysis

Grant Agency
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Molecular sieve chemistry and catalysis.
Year from
Year to
Heterogeneous catalysis represents the driving force for a high number of industrial processes ranging from refineries to fine chemical applications. The development of new heterogeneous catalysts is extremely labour-intensive, however, only heterogeneous catalysts can limit the formation of enormous wastes. The proposed project is aimed at the employment of molecular sieve based catalysts for highly selective acylation of aromatic hydrocarbons combined with the utilization of various metalloaded catalys ts for hydrogenation of carbonyl groups of different ketones. Both acylation and hydrogenation reactions belong to the most important group of reactions used in the synthesis of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals. In the case of thesynthesis of Ibuprofen(pain-killer) two acylation steps are followed by two hydrogenation steps and this reaction system will be systematically investigated. Microporous molecular sieves of different structures and compositions will be applied to ….