Molecular orientation, low band gap materials and new hybrid device concepts for the improvement of plastic solar cells.
Grant Agency
European Commission
Solid State Electrocatalysis.
Year from
Year to
MOLYCELL project is founded by the European Commission for 30 months in the framework of the 6th PCRD (January 2004 - June 2006). This project deals with "Molecular Orientation, Low band gap and new hYbrid device concepts for the improvement of flexible organic solar CELLs"
Organic solar cells promise a strong cost reduction of photovoltaics (PV) if fast improvements of the power efficiency and the lifetime can be achieved. There are still some crucial obstacles to overcome before a large-scale production of plastic solar cells can be considered. The latter is the clear aim of all industrial partners here involved. The feasibility of this approach will be proven with a new generation of organic PV having better efficiency (greater than 5% on 1cm2 glass substrate and greater than 4% on 1cm2 flexible substrate), longer lifetime and a production cost far below those of competing technologies based on silicon.
For these objectives, the 12 partners involved in MOLYCELL work in parallel on the development of new materials (organic materials and metal oxides) and the development of two device concepts to improve efficiencies: all-organic solar cells and nanocrystal/organic hybrid solar cells. MOLYCELL goal is to federate means and competences of universities, research institutes and industrial partners to reach the aimed objectives.
This work is funded in part by the European Commission DG-RTD under Contract n°: SES6-CT-2003-502783
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Organic solar cells promise a strong cost reduction of photovoltaics (PV) if fast improvements of the power efficiency and the lifetime can be achieved. There are still some crucial obstacles to overcome before a large-scale production of plastic solar cells can be considered. The latter is the clear aim of all industrial partners here involved. The feasibility of this approach will be proven with a new generation of organic PV having better efficiency (greater than 5% on 1cm2 glass substrate and greater than 4% on 1cm2 flexible substrate), longer lifetime and a production cost far below those of competing technologies based on silicon.
For these objectives, the 12 partners involved in MOLYCELL work in parallel on the development of new materials (organic materials and metal oxides) and the development of two device concepts to improve efficiencies: all-organic solar cells and nanocrystal/organic hybrid solar cells. MOLYCELL goal is to federate means and competences of universities, research institutes and industrial partners to reach the aimed objectives.
This work is funded in part by the European Commission DG-RTD under Contract n°: SES6-CT-2003-502783
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prof. RNDr. Kavan Ladislav CSc., DSc.

+420 26605 3975