Substitute for SF6 gas in switchgears
Main contractor: Eaton Elektrotechnika s.r.o.
Aim: Proposed project ambitiously aims to develop of medium voltage switchgear, which will contain a substitute for currently used and highly toxic SF6 and simultaneously will be competitive on the market, compared to current Xiria ecological series using solid epoxy insulator and air. It is a breakthrough project with a huge effect on current market situation, as it will offer ecologically friendly alternative for an affordable price. Eaton currently supplies to the European market an ecological series of Xiria switchgear for 12 and 24 kV. Unfortunately, with this technology desired higher voltage, cannot be achieved without fundamentally not increasing the s switchgear dimensions. The dimensions increase would increase demands on the material as well as would be witchgear dimensions.
Mgr. Fedor Juraj Ph.D.