Eva Krupičková Pluhařová
I am a computational chemist currently doing molecular modelling of enzymes, I also have a long term interest in atmospheric chemistry. I started working at the JH Institute in autumn 2016 after a 2-year postdoctoral stay in Paris. I like interaction with high-school students within the programs “Open Science” and Chemistry Olympiade. My hobbies are running, cross-country skiing and my two little children.
Why I decided to become a mentor
Plenty of experiences are not transferable, but I still think it is important to share them. I work with high school students for many years, so mentoring is a natural continuation.
Candidate requirements
Student, ESR, postdoc.
Areas of possible mentoring
Work-life balance; insight into a similar field; how to apply for a grant; how long postdoc to choose; how to combine a career with starting a family.
What can you expect from me in mentoring?
Experience, view from a different perspective, openness, ability to listen.
What can't you expect from me in mentoring?
The solution to your problems
Meeting frequency
Personal meeting once a month, lunch for example.
We will communicate in
Czech, English