Electrochemical and photochemical degradation of selected bioactive compounds
The project aims to study in detail the biochemical transformation and redox properties of selected biologically active polyphenols using a new, unique strategy that combines a biochemical approach, enabling identification of final stable metabolites formed in human liver, with a spectroelectrochemical approach enabling determination of reaction intermediates. The identification of metabolites formed in human liver in vitro (using subcellular fractions from human liver, precision-cut liver slices, dHepaRG cells) will be complemented with determination of reaction intermediates (using in-situ spectroelectrochemical techniques based on a 3D printed platform) and with study of their prooxidative and antioxidative properties using a new in-situ generation of reactive oxygen species. Project brings complex information about the reaction mechanisms of tested polyphenols and explains the role of electron and proton transfer in their biological activities. Detailed knowledge of their metabolic pathways is essential for understanding their biological activity and potential toxicity in humans.
doc. RNDr. Sokolová Romana Ph.D.