Marek Cebecauer
Marek Cebecauer, 51, biochemist by degree, master thesis in virology (Commenius University, Bratislava), PhD thesis in immunology (Charles University, Prague), almost 10 years abroad (mainly cancer research in Switzerland and advanced microscopy in the UK). Currently, my lab is doing physical biology. What’s that? Well, this is doing biology and biochemistry without ignoring physics and its principles 😊. Space and time are as important as pH, ion concetration or the presence of enzymes accelerating reactions in living organisms. I have supervised 5 PhD students, 4 master students and several Bc and pre-university students. Married, 2 children. Hobbies: bass guitar, mountain hiking, woodcraft, …
Why I decided to become a mentor
I’ve learnt a lot from my mentors. I have worked in 12 labs in 8 countries of 3 continents. I offer this experience to share.
Candidate requirements
Student, ESR, postdoc.
Areas of possible mentoring
Work-life balance; how to apply for a grant; how to write a good publication; how to deal with stress if your measurements are not good; shall I find an internship abroad; how long internship to choose.
What can you expect from me in mentoring?
Experience; view from a perspective of a person who loves life, not just science. A good coffee. And maybe a tea from my lab members.
What can't you expect from me in mentoring?
Simple solutions to a difficult problems, glorification of success.
Meeting frequency
Face-to-face meeting; online meeting; on demand basis.
We will communicate in
Slovak/Czech, English