We follow OTM-R principles
Each selection procedure is based on the so-called OTM-R principles (Open, Transparent and Merit-based recruitment)
O - Openness
All competitions related to scientific positions are published on the Euraxess portal and our website. They are usually published on other advertising portals as well. Information on the advertised position is given in the relevant advertisement. For more information, please contact us via the e-mail address recruitmentjh-inst.cas.cz.
T - Transparency
Candidates are informed of the selection criteria and the current status of the selection procedures without undue delay.
M – Merit-based
When assessing CVs, we take into account the experience of candidates they have acquired during their entire career. Not only previous experiences are evaluated, but also their potential.
Non-discrimination, Equal opportunities
We do not perceive career interruptions or so-called variations in the chronological order of CVs negatively. The selection of the candidate is based on the suitability of the professional qualification for the advertised position and on the achieved results.
We place great emphasis on the assessment of CVs. Any discrimination on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, age, origin, religion, health, marital or family status or family responsibilities, political or other opinions, paternity, motherhood, etc. is excluded.
Mobility experience
We welcome the experience with mobility. Stay abroad or at another research institution, change of research field or research sector are all considered as a valuable contribution to the professional development of a researcher. Do you come from abroad and need help with the recognition of your qualifications? Please have a look at this document.
Classification of research profiles
The offered positions of scientists and researchers are classified in our advertisements on the basis of internationally recognized classification with four profiles.
R1 – First Stage Researcher – doing research under supervision (PhD student);
R2 – Recognised Researcher – PhD holder or equivalent who is not yet fully independent. This researcher is not fully independent and can be included in this category for a maximum of five years after defending the PhD or its equivalent;
R3 – Established Researcher – an experienced researcher who has already built up a certain level of independence and has more than five years of research experience;
R4 – Leading Researcher – a researcher leading his/her research area.