2025 2027 |
Study of controlled nanoconfinement of active sites for catalytic reduction of CO2 by H2 to CO, methanol and hydrocarbons
25-16545S Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
Ing. Sazama Petr Ph.D.
2024 2026 |
Highly advanced catalyst for the transformation of methanol into hydrocarbons for the reliable production of e-gasoline
FW10010328 Technology Agency CR |
Ing. Sazama Petr Ph.D.
2024 2027 |
Development of the structure and fabrication process of a nanostructured advanced methanation catalyst for power-to-gas technologies
TS01030146 Technology Agency CR |
Ing. Sazama Petr Ph.D.
2018 2020 |
Development of high-performance alkylation and isomerization catalysts
Technology Agency CR |
Ing. Sazama Petr Ph.D.
2018 2020 |
Concept for creation of zeolite based catalysts with enhanced functionality for industrially relevant acid- and redox-catalysed reactions
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
Ing. Sazama Petr Ph.D.
2016 2019 |
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies for Environment Protection and Sustainable Future
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
doc. RNDr. Ing. Kalbáč Martin Ph.D., DSc. prof. RNDr. Kavan Ladislav CSc., DSc. Ing. Rathouský Jiří CSc. Ing. Sazama Petr Ph.D. doc. Ing. Sobalík Zdeněk CSc.
2015 2017 |
Creating and mastering structure of hierarchical zeolites to design advanced hydroizomerization catalyst
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
Ing. Sazama Petr Ph.D.
2015 2017 |
Catalytic process for complete elimination of nitrogen oxides emissions for the production of nitric
Technology Agency CR |
Ing. Sazama Petr Ph.D.
2008 2010 |
Analysis of Al site in the framework of zeolites and catalytic activity of corresponding H+ and Fen+ sites
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic |
Ing. Sazama Petr Ph.D.