Awards of the AS CR

The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic honours its scientists for outstandingly significant scientific results in research and development achieved while carrying out research objectives, programme and grant projects supported from institutional and target-oriented funds. The awards are given in the following categories:
    a. Outstanding scientific results of major significance b. Young researchers (to age 35) for outstanding achievements c. Exceptionally successful solution of programme and grant projects.
2022 Čestná oborová medaile J. Heyrovského
2022 Prémie Lumina Quaeruntur
2021 Lumina Quaeruntur Fellowship Award
2018 Jaroslav Heyrovský Honorary Medal for Merit in Chemical Sciences
2013 The J. Heyrovský Honorary Medal for Merit in the Chemical Sciences
2011 The Vojtěch Náprstek Honorary Medal
2009 The J. Heyrovský Honorary Medal for Merit in the Chemical Sciences
2008 Award of the AS CR for outstanding scientific results of major significance
2008 Award of the AS CR for exceptionally successful solution of programme and grant projects
2008 Honorary Medal of Science.
2008 The J. Heyrovský Honorary Medal for Merit in the Chemical Sciences
2006 Award of the AS CR for outstanding scientific results of major significance
2004 Award of the AS CR for exceptionally successful solution of programme and grant projects
2000 Prize AS CR for young researchers for work with title " Electrochemistry of environmentally important substances"